Camp Cool Kidz

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The campers are all in the Mess Hall, cleaning it.

"This sucks. This is the kind of peasant work my parents left their home country to avoid." Max said.

"Yeah, I don't get the point." Nikki said. "What good is rolling around on the floor if it's CLEAN?"

"This isn't even part of a sanctioned camp activity." Neil said. "This is child labor!"

Ered walked past the trio and leans against the wall.

"Man, Ered never gets yelled at for not working.  She's just too cool. I wish I was her." Nikki said.

"Arid? Like a dry desert climate?" Neil asked.

"I think her real name is Meredith, but she's so frickin' cool, she goes by the middle part of her name." Nikki explained. "Ooh, I wonder if I should try that... 'Ikk.' Oooh! Yeaah!"

"That's fucking stupid, nicknames don't make you cool." Max said.

"Pssh, spoken like a true first-part nicknamer." Nikki mocked.

"No one's TOO cool to talk to." Max said as he stopped scrubbing. "Even cool kids take giant, uncomfortable shits from time to time. Helps remind you that we're all equal."

"Hey, you chillin'? Cut the yammerin' an' get back ta scrubbin'." Quartermaster ordered as Max continued scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush.

"If we were in charge, things would be so much better." Neil said. "No scrubbing, no outdoors..."

"No David." Max added.

"We should just REVOLT!" Neil exclaimed.

"You know what? You're right!" Max exclaimed as he stood up. "Aren't you all sick of this lowly work?!"

"It's kinda racist for some of us." Salem piped in, raising her hand.

"Exactly! It's time we take control of our lives and fight back!" Max exclaimed. "Who's with me?!"

"YEAH!" Everyone cheered.

"I'm just so excited!" David exclaimed as he and Gwen walked to the Mess Hall.

"Yeah, you keep saying that..." Gwen said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, because it's TRUE." David said. "THE Cameron Campbell is coming tomorrow! Oh, maybe he'll give us a raise! Or, tell me I'm like the son he never had!"

"...Or explain why he's wanted by the Government." Gwen added.

"Or that. Yeah, there's that." David said.

"I dunno..." Gwen sighed. "I feel kinda bad making the campers work so hard just to impress that guy."

"Don't worry!" David exclaimed. "Once we tell them about the ice-cream pizza party, I'm sure they'll see it was a~ll worth it!" He and Gwen look inside the Mess Hall to see the kids doing their own crazy thing with Quartermaster tied to a chair.

"We got ourselves an uprisin'!" Quartermaster yelled.

(Yes, for every episode, I'm including the video)

"Max! I am very disappointed in you for this behavior!" David shouted as he and Gwen were tied to the flagpole, David upside down while Gwen was right side up. "But I'm also torn, because you were very clearly paying attention during knot-tying class!"

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