Eggs Benefits

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"I love Saturdays." Max exhaled as he laid in the grass with Neil and Nikki. "No scheduled activities. No annoying campers. And best of all, no David or Gwen telling us what to do." He put on sunglasses and laid down.

"Yeah, I hate it when they do that." Nikki said. "If I hear them say 'Nikki, get down from there' or 'Nikki don't eat that bug' or 'Nikki that's an endangered-species' ONE MORE TIME." She growled.

"It's just nice to have a break from all the weird hijinks and wacky adventures." Neil said. "I almost don't mind being outside. Aaaa-" he accidentally inhaled a fly and choked. "...Almost."

"Oh sure, YOU get to eat all the bugs you want." Nikki grumbled.

"Hmmm. That's queer." Neil said, looking at the egg next to him.

"Don't say that, Neil." Max said.

"Where did this egg come from?" Neil asked.

"A chicken?  Or does the egg come first?" Nikki questioned.

"Who cares?" Max asked. "It's just an egg."

"Look! There's another!" Nikki exclaimed. "And another! It's an egg trail!"

"Guys! Don't mess with it." Max said. "It's probably something that will trigger a series of events that will, on the whole,  be an interesting and comedic adventure,  but ultimately waste our Saturday."

"Max is right, Nikki." Neil agreed. "Let's leave it alone." Nikki already left.

"God damn it." Max said.

"Oooh man, I hope it's a dinosaur!" Nikki exclaimed as she picked up another egg. She followed the trail to find the platypus cuddling with it's eggs.

"Muack!" It quacked.

"Awwww, the platypus is gonna be a mama!" Nikki gushed. "It's the miracle of life."

"mUACk." It laid another egg.

"Life is disgusting." Neil said.

"Well, good thing it's just a platypus." Max said. "I guess our Saturday is safe after all." Campbell's car drove up and he got out.

"Right on time." He said, approaching the children. "I see a cash machine-  I mean, lovable pet has produced some eggs!"

"Ooh! What are we gonna do with them?" Nikki asked. "Watch them hatch?  Cook breakfast?"

"No, no, not at all." Campbell denied. "You're all going to-"

"Don't tell us we're taking care of the eggs until they hatch." Max interrupted.

"Take care of the eggs until they hatch!" Campbell finished.

"Well, shit." Neil stomped his foot.

"Why'd I open my big mouth?" Max asked as the platypus quacked.

"All right! Bonus activity day!" David exclaimed. "I hope you kids are as excited as I am to be working on a Saturday!"

"Whoa Davey, I wouldn't go around calling this work." Campbell said, putting an arm around David. "We don't need any child labor allegations thrown our way! Again. This doesn't count as overtime either."

"Why are you making us do this?" Max asked.

"Well, Mitchell, you see these eggs are much too valuable to let some dumb animal take care of I would probably lose it." Campbell said. "Or eat it!"

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