Space Camp Was A Hoax

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Everyone sat at the tables in the Mess Hall, eating mashed potatoes while Space Kid passes by them, making sound effect noises for his spaceship.

"Uh, Neil! Do you read me?" Space Kid asked, pretending to talk over a radio to a bored looking Neil. "Come in, Neil. Maybe if I use Morse code?" He stole a fork a spelled out S.O.S on the table. "S.O.S."

Neil sighed, grabbed the forked a spelled out F.U.C.K.O.F.F on his helmet.

"Roger that!" Space Kid exclaimed as he left. He approached Nikki. "Oh no! We're stuck in the gravitational pull!" He flew his ship into one of Nikki's pigtails.

"Ow!" She yelled.

"Oh! Sorry!" Space Kid apologized. "Uh, booster rocket go!" He tried to yank it out but ended up ripping out her pigtail.

"Yeow!" She howled in pain. "Stupid Space Kid..." she muttered as he moved onto Salem, who is carving a pentagram on the table with her fork in her left hand, while eating mashed potatoes with her spoon in her right hand.

"Oh no! Turbulence!" Space Kid yelled as his ship fell into Salem's hijab. "Uhhh, Salem... you have something of mine... in... your..." Space Kid paused and gasped.

"You okay?" She asked as Space Kid ran off. He came back with a light blue marker and jumped into Salem's lap. "Are you...?"

"SSSHHH!!!" Space Kid shushed as he started marking her face with the marker. "You never told me you have the Little Dipper and Orion on your face!"

"I never knew?" Salem questioned.

"Your freckles make the perfect constellations!" Space Kid exclaimed as he marked more of Salem's skin.

"Space Kid, as adorable as this is, I still need to eat." Salem said.

"You can fit it around my helmet." Space Kid said as he kept tracing constellations.

"I'm trying to politely tell you to get off me." Salem explained.

"Oh. Ok!" Space Kid jumped off and smiled brightly. "Please don't get rid of those."

"I promise." She promised as she put a spoonful of mashed potatoes in her mouth.

"Pinky promise?" He asked, holding up his pinky. Salem rolled her eyes and locked pinkies with Space Kid's gloved finger.

"Pinky promise." She went back to eating as he giddily skipped off with his spaceship.

"Uh, Max, this landing is tricky." Space Kid said while Max poked his potatoes. "I'm gonna need your help."

"I told you, I don't want to play your dumb space game." Max said.

"It's not dumb, it's space!" Space Kid exclaimed. "The final frontier!"

"Your final frontier is gonna be flipping burgers at the drive-thru!" Max said.

"What do you mean?" Space Kid asked as his ship fell into Max's potatoes.

"I'm saying, there's no way you're ever going to space." Max groaned. "Just give it up already!"

"Sure I am, that's why I'm here!" Space Kid said.

"You don't actually go to space at Space Camp." Max said. "You eat astronaut ice cream, you get spun around real fast. How stupid can you be?"

"That's not what the brochure says." Space Kid said as he got it out, flinging Max's potatoes in the process.

"Come on, kiddos." David said, walking over the boys. "You know we only have one wet floor sign and it's already in use."

"Max is just upset that I get to go to space and he doesn't." Space Kid explained.

Camp Camp OC insert (Harrison x OC x Preston)Where stories live. Discover now