Anti-Social Network

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"Excelsior!" Nerris exclaimed as Quartermaster gave her a package. "The new expansion." She opened it to reveal a pack of cards.

"Aw mom, you always manage to give me the best gifts... even from jail." Nurf gushed as he unwrapped the knife.

"Sweet! A letter!" Salem exclaimed as she opened the envelope. "Dear Salem, I just wanted to let you know I miss you around the house, it's so boring without you to brighten my day after my meetings. The hospital is boring. Look what I found in the reading nook after they pumped my stomach, which wasn't fun." She was handed a box package and inside was a book titled Book of Satanic Magic. "Not that I'm complaining but why's this in a hospital?"

Max was handed a box with a postcard that read 'Saw this. Thought of you. Your parents.' He opened it to an identical hoodie as the one he was wearing.

"Well, they know what I like." Max said as he flung the hoodie somewhere.

"Y'all gunna need to sign for this." Quartermaster said as he handed Neil a pad to sign for.

"I've waited for this day for so long." Neil squealed in delight.

"Yeah, okay." Quartermaster shrugged off as he handed Neil a Nu-egg box. Neil ran off with it to his campsite and opened a safe to reveal an old computer.

"Hello, my sweet." Neil grunted. "We finally get a little alone time and I brought some new parts to spice things up. Don't worry. I'll be gentle."

"Salutations, Neil!" Nerris eagerly greeted as she walked up to the nerd, who screeched in frustration. "Want to try this new expansion set I just-"

"No! Leave me alone!" Neil exclaimed as Nerris trudged off.

"Oh Neil, wanna play mission control and tell me how to rebuild my CO2 scrubbers?" Space Kid asked. "I brought the duct tape."

"You're already a waste of O2. Buzz off." Neil said as he aimlessly kicked Space Kid away with his foot. Salem stood next to him, making the geek groan. "What do you want?"

"I was actually just looking for Harrison and was wondering if you've seen him." Salem said. "Oh, there he is." She ran off, lifting her new book. "Hey Harrison! Check this out!"

"Hey, poindexter!" Nurf called out. "I've got some emotional problems that I want to work out on your face!"

"Nurf!" Neil shrieked. "Leave me alone, or so help me, I will post photoshops everywhere of you kissing guys!"

"Woah! Hey, somebody's a little tense." Nurf accused. "You might want to look into some aggression therapy. Besides, maybe I already tried to explore my sexuality. You don't know." He paused to sniffle sadly. "Chris, why did you leave me?" Nurf walked away.

"There you are, Neil!" Nikki exclaimed as she and Max stood behind Neil. "Come with us. We're gonna go look for Sasquatch. I saw him the other day at the dumpster, but Max says it's just that homeless guy from town with the weird face."

"Oh my fucking God! Is it always just adventures with you two?" Neil asked.

"Well, with me, yeah, but I feel like Max falls in more with the 'scheming' category." Nikki explained as Max shrugged.

"Hard pass." Neil said.

"Whoa, Neil, are you finally gonna fix that computer?" Max asked, now realizing the tool.

"Look, can we please keep this on the down-low?" Neil asked lowly. "The last thing I need right now is for everyone in my face bugging me so they can use it to-"

"Play games!" Nikki exclaimed.

"Look at boobs!" Max exclaimed at the same time as Nikki. "Play games..."

Camp Camp OC insert (Harrison x OC x Preston)Where stories live. Discover now