Romeo & Juliet II: Love Resurrected

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"Okay, campers. Quiet down, everyone, please." David said as no one listened to him. "Please, the theater demands your utmost respect and-"

"SHUT YOUR YAPS, IT'S TIME FOR THE PLAY!" Gwen yelled through a megaphone, making everyone shut up.

"Ahem, thank you, Gwen." David thanked softly.

"DON'T MENTION IT!" Gwen exclaimed loudly in David's face.

"Tonight's presentation is brought to you by theater camp's very own: Preston Goodplay!" Everyone gives unexcited claps as Preston bows.

"Thank you, thank you" Preston thanked. "It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to tonight's production. Written and directed, of course, by me. It is a classic tale of forbidden love, betrayal, and friendship. So without further ado I present to you: Romeo and Juliet II: Love Resurrected." He bowed again as he moved off the stage with the weak applause, Quartermaster even coughed.

"This is absolutely humiliating!" Max said as he messed with his wizard beard. He was dressed as a wizard while Neil was dressed as Robo-Romeo and Nikki was dressed as Juliet, all with earpieces in their ears.

"What a waste of time! I could be working on that flame-thrower right now." Neil said.

"I hate being Juliet!" Nikki whined. "I wanna be someone cool, like Xena, or Rambo!"

"You nervous about your big kiss scene?" Max mocked Neil by making a kissy face.

"Don't remind me! I'm already freaking out!" Neil freaked.

"Y'know, Juliet should've done karate instead of kissing boys." Nikki suggested as she chopped a hand in the air. "HIYAH! Maybe she wouldn't have died then."

"Has anyone seen my phone?" David asked, walking by the trio. "I must have dropped it while doing my smile exercises."

"Don't admit to that..." Gwen groaned. Max takes out David's phone with sinister laughter.

"Is that David's phone?" Nikki asked.

"Pipe down, I'm checking his... Oh my God, he has a Tinder account." Max said.

"Tinder? What's that?" Nikki asked, getting closer to the mobile device.

"Oh, it's that dating app for losers who can't meet people in real life." Mac briefly explained.

"Ohh, yeah! My dad used that when my mom left him. Again." Nikki exclaimed.

"Guuyys, you're just adding to my anxiety!" Neil whined. "If you don't return the phone, I'm going to have a panic attack, and that's on you!"

"Oh man, he's got like seven pictures on his profile. Tch, can you say desperate?" Max questioned.

"Wizard!" Preston yelled, suddenly appearing behind Neil with Salem behind him. "You're about to get your cue! I will not have you ruffians RUIN MY BIG DEBUT!"

"Preston, I'm stagehand." Salem reminded, looking through her clipboard. She was wearing black pants with her normal outfit, minus her jacket and sash, and was wearing a headset.

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Camp Camp OC insert (Harrison x OC x Preston)Where stories live. Discover now