12 - BV

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After Xu Zeyu came out, he went after Su Mo directly.

He wanted to tell Su Mo that something was wrong with the eldest young master, who might be the same as him.

Seeing Su Mo's back, Xu Zeyu floated directly over: "Su Mo!"

Su Mo looked back at Xu Zeyu.

Xu Zeyu put his head on his neck and said nervously, "That eldest young master...?"

After mentioning the eldest young master's name, Xu Zeyu found that he couldn't speak. A strange pain came from somewhere in the body, as if it was a warning from some existence.

Su Mo looked at Xu Zeyu strangely.

"My dear ghost friend, why are you silent?"

Xu Zeyu shook his head in frustration, "No, it's nothing, I quietly glanced at Mrs. Lu's room just now, that baby is so ugly."

Su Mo came Interest: "How do you say it?"

Xu Zeyu gestured on his head: "that is, the eyes are round black without whites, the nose is like this, and the mouth has two pointed teeth!"

Xu Zeyu gestured, except for the teeth In line with the characteristics of vampires, others are not like the vampires described in the book at all.

Su Mo took out a pen and drew on the book what Xu Zeyu described as a baby.

Black eyes with no whites, pointed ears, a bald pig-like nose, and two fangs.

Xu Zeyu exclaimed: "Oh my God, you are so good at drawing, you look like this, do you want to draw hands, feet and feet?"

Su Mo continued to draw with a pen, and the baby's innocent laughter came again from the stairs.

"Yah BBZL uh, haha, hee hee hee~" The

laughter got closer and closer.

Su Mo stopped painting.

Now that the original owner is here, there is no need to paint again.

Xu Zeyu also heard the voice and waited with Su Mo.

When one person and one ghost were looking forward to it, the baby's laughter became a little farther away, and then a familiar male voice scolded: "Damn, what is this?!"

The man's feet clattered The footsteps were very loud, and Su Mo saw Zhang Yu when he was close at hand.

Just when he was running for his life frantically, Zhang Yu saw someone in the aisle.

No, that's not a man, but a ghost with a head!

Zhang Yu's pupils shrank, looking at the headless ghost who was bleeding non-stop from his neck, backed up against the wall and his heart was beating like a drum.

There is a weird baby in the back, and a headless ghost in the front. It's over, he's over, and today's little life will be explained in this copy.

Sure enough, people can't be curious. He just squatted in one place to hide from boredom. He just wanted to see if he could find clues to the copy, so he started patrolling as Butler Lin said, and when he reached the third floor, he heard the baby laughing. Also inexplicable.

I didn't expect to be flanked by the front and back...

the speed ability is about to be cd, what should I do?

Zhang Yu swallowed, hearing the rubbing sound of the baby crawling slowly on the ground in his ears, and decided to bite the bullet and run over from the headless ghost.

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