4 - HSA

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Zhang Ya hurriedly dressed.

Su Mo also returned to her cubicle, put on pajamas and pajamas, and out of the corner of her eyes caught a glimpse of the white cat lying motionless on the ground, picked it up and threw it into the bucket.

Zhang Ya was already urging: "Momo, let's go quickly."

The alarm clock in her hand had already displayed 9:55.

It's ten o'clock in five minutes.

Su Mo responded and let Zhang Ya hug her arm. The two returned to the long corridor together and headed towards the dormitory.

But after a long time, it was still pitch black.

Su Mo looked to the right.

The house number on the door of the dormitory, from 408 to 405, just can't reach 404.

Da Da Da -

the sound of high heels from far to near.

Zhang Ya cried aloud: "The dean, the dean is here."

She picked up the small alarm clock in her hand, desperately trying to see the time on the alarm clock.

Above the hallway, the lights began to flicker.

The hands on the alarm clock pointed to ten o'clock.

The sound of high-heeled shoes was getting closer and closer, and under the flickering lights, a figure with a red silk scarf tied around his neck appeared.

It was a woman with heavy makeup and a serious expression: "If you don't go back to the dormitory at ten o'clock, you must go to the Academic Affairs Office with me and accept the punishment."

Zhang Ya kept shaking her head, let go of Su Mo's hand and ran back.

A system prompt appeared in Su Mo's ear again.

[You and Zhang Ya forgot the time while taking a shower, and met the dean who was checking the bed. Students who haven't returned to the dormitory at this time will be severely punished by the dean...]

[Because you don't speak, the dean is very angry! ]

The dean, who was judged to be unusually angry by the system, had eyes like broken pomegranates filled with tiny red eyeballs.

This image is kind of disgusting.

But Su Mo was not afraid.

She stared at the dean, motionless.

The dean tilted his head in confusion, as if he couldn't believe the girl in front of him didn't respond.

So she changed her strategy and let the little red eyeballs run out of the sockets and run all over her face.

But Su Mo still didn't respond, not even frowning.

The head teacher frowned and said fiercely, "Su Mo, what's the matter with your child? Talk ah ah ah!"

When he yelled, the teacher's master stuck out two long mouthparts from his mouth. With a face full of eyes and an odd-shaped mouth, anyone who sees a "person" like this will be shocked.

For example, Zhang Ya, who found that the back corridor could not escape, ran back quickly.

She rolled her eyes and fainted neatly.

Su Mo frowned this time.

This made the dean laugh, thinking that Su Moma would cry on the BBZL, but the fact is that Su Mo continued to stand in place and even looked at her with an encouraging look?

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