s a n d i e g o b e a r .

18 1 0

did chu know that the place that me n my bf n my friends went to in the bonus part of the vent story/oneshot was the mall? now you know. :) and a kinda cute fun fact; kenny let me choose the place bc after what i told him last night so ye he was like ''we can go 2 wherever u want 2 sweetheart" (i should not have started thinking of this one image i saw on pinterest that said ''the berenstain bears go to hell'' and someone made a version of it w the bear characters i thought i had it saved but apparently not if i did i would put it here 😭 n it does not help tjhat kenny goes to hell in south park bigger, longer, and uncut WHICH REMINDS ME in 2014/2013 (i think just so u know one thing i can confirm is that i was 6 during the time i would watch the movie alot (but do not be fooled bc i am permanently 3 years old) and for some reason i was like "haha i can watch whatever i want bc im 6 now") i used to watch that movie constantly n my mom would get mad at me n told me to watch mlp or smthn else instead but the funny thing is that for some reason i cannot rlly remember anything from that movie despite how much i watched it)

still question myself tho on how i did not get a crush on kenny back then or when my dad first introduced me to south park when i was a teeny weeny baby (tho i still am bc IM THE BABY AND U GOTTA LOVE MEEEEE~ ꒰๑˃꒵˂꒱◞ ♪⋆ฺ。🍼) or even when i liked it during 2017 

plz dont ask abt the title btw it is a messed up inside joke (sorta) bc my humor is messed up and so am i in general

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