Chapter 16

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I took the last step up the staircase, right foot landing on the second floor.

I could go both left and right; the two options identical. Several doors and windows were open, the bright light from outside showing the dust floating in the air.

I blew out some air through my nose in a futile attempt to prevent inhaling the particles – only for even more to take their place. How was it even possible to be dustier upstairs than downstairs?

My eyes scanned both ways; one of them was right. "If only Levi had given me instructions on where to go."

I scratched my nose; dust tickling the inside. Perhaps unpacking and organizing my clothes wasn't the smartest thing to do after he had left, even though I did manage to get a top bunk in the girl's sleeping quarters, also throwing a glance at the lists put up on the wall outside each door. On the list belonging to the third door, my name was written along with Sasha's and Mikasa's

I shook my head, that wasn't what I needed to focus on. Once again I observed my options, eyes scanning for anything related to the corporal. Two ways -- left or right -- 50/50.

I took a step to the left for a quick peek at the doors – more specifically their handles. All made out of metal, neither of them showing any sign of being used recently. Biting my lip I stepped back, about to turn and do the same to the other side when my fingertips brushed against the medium-length wall trim. Flinging my hand forward I saw the thick layer of gray dust which stuck to my fingers even as I attempted to shake it off.

Wiping my dirty fingers on my shirt I craned my neck to look at the spot where my fingers had touched which was wiped clean, revealing the dark wood beneath...


When the realization hit me I flung my head down to look at the floor. And sure enough, there were spots of missing dust; footprints. Not only one pair, but more than ten different ones. Without hesitating, I took off in the direction they were leading.

They must have belonged to cadets from Levi's squad but... it hadn't expanded since the expedition and Eren didn't exactly have more than two feet.

Putting more people on the squad would make sense, but that's the commander's job to inform us about, which he hasn't mentioned anything about. Honestly, he hasn't said much at all since the interrogation, which means it's most likely a meeting planned by Levi alone.

While rounding a corner I covered my lower face with my elbow and sneezed. As I opened my eyes I saw a group of cadets standing outside a room further up ahead the corridor. I sped up my pace and noticed they were all looking into the said room, focusing on something out of my sight.

Standing on my tippy toes I tried to see into the room, but only managed to see the crowd's heads due to the two tall men in front of me. Although, even if they weren't in the way I would still not be able to see Levi's short figure.

Sighing I lowered myself down to my regular height; the men still not noticing me. If I wanted to get to Levi, I'd have to get into that room.

I brought my dominant hand up to the taller one's shoulder blade and patted it to get his attention. He let out a small squeal and turned around – our eyes connecting for a split second before he directed his gaze down to the floor. They were a tranquil shade of green, much less vibrant than Eren's.

The green-eyed's sudden squeal had caught the attention of the blonde man at his side, who wanted to see what the commotion was about.

"Hey Bert what's–" His smirk lost its shape as he noticed what his friend had seen a moment before. He stared for a few seconds, then proceeded to clear his throat. "I... see you're here to...uh...bless us with your presence!" Letting out a nervous laugh he "patted", more like hit his friend on the back. To which the green-eyed responded with a mix of gasps and coughs as he tried to survive the assault.

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