Chapter 9

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3 days had passed since we had been notified of the expedition..

In these few days, the corporal had worked hard training the cadets.

To personally train more than 200 cadets was no easy task, and the poor man had to work late into the evenings in order to even get close to that number.

Erwin really was a douchebag for making him do this.

On the other hand, cadet y/n's daily life had not changed much. Armin was still trying to help with her memory loss, Eren was still as angry as ever, and Jean was still the lovestruck horse we all know.


I once again kicked Christa's small body, making her fly up and collide with the ground. For about the 100th time today her face winced in pain.

She had asked me to not go easy on her, which I gladly agreed to.

Apparently, she desperately wanted to become stronger. And wanted me to train her, as I was the strongest here, at least in her eyes.

And here she was, laying in front of me all beaten up.

"I don't know how much more she can take.... should I keep going, or should I stop training with her now, in order not to hurt her too badly?"

I watched the small girl struggle to get up, and I have to admit, she had an amazing willpower.

The blonde girl had gotten up from the dirty ground, and was now standing in front of me. She slightly huffed as words slowly formed between her bleeding lips.

"O-one more round!"

Determination filled her eyes, which was now looking straight into mine

Noticing this I slightly raised an eyebrow. I know you have to work hard to get better at something, but is it really necessary for me to beat her up like this?

"If we keep this up, her muscles will get all messed up. And she won't be able to fully function for a while..."

"I don't know Christa, maybe we should take a break..." My stoic voice stated, hoping she would get the message.

"No! Please y/n! I need this! You're the only one who hasn't given up on me yet!" She desperately tried to get me to stay.

And even though I hate to admit it, I didn't like seeing her struggle.

I guess she just effectively guilt-tripped me.


Delight filled her eyes upon hearing my response. "Thank you so much y/n!"

"It's no big deal...let's just continue trai-" I was abruptly cut off when I felt arms wrap around my lower body.

My lips slightly parted, shock written all over my face.

Someone was hugging me

Christa was hugging me.

I looked down, and indeed, the small girl had buried her face in my shirt.

It wasn't like the hug with Armin, which brought me comfort and relief. This... was different.

Out here, in a place crowded with other cadets....

everyone could judge me for being weak.

Frantically whipping my head around, I couldn't spot anyone looking our way. I sighed in relief, and reluctantly put my hand on Christa's head, petting it gently.

"L/n" A deep voice came from behind me, and I quickly pried Christa's arms off of me. I spun around and was met with the corporal's bored face.

"Oh shit"

I quickly saluted him.


For a split second he looked shocked, but regained his composure just as fast. Christa stood behind me waiting patiently, watching the corporal curiously.

"Come on, it's your turn."

He made a hand gesture signaling me to follow him.

"My turn? .... Oh right, he must mean it's my turn for private training...."

I heard Christa sigh and walk away, probably to her personal bodyguard Ymir.

At least I wouldn't have to deal with her for now.


Panting heavily, I sloppily dodged the corporals flying fist. We had been at this for a while now, and I could tell I wasn't the only one getting tired.

The corporal had taken me out to a clearing in the forest. And I could really see why he decided to train the cadets here, it was peaceful, and so deep into the thick leaves that no one would disrupt.

Unfortunately for me, the peaceful environment caught me off guard. And of course, the corporal took this opportunity to sweep me off my feet.

"Argh!" A low groan left my lips as my body crashed with the solid gound.

It took a moment for me to realize what had happened.

Once I did, I slowly rose to my feet.

"Tch, you need to learn to not get distracted l/n, the titans won't hesitate to kill you..... I don't want you dying out there..." The corporal's sentence gradually became lower as he spoke.

"I don't want you dying out there? Suuure." I was greatly sceptical of his statement, it might have been true I was once someone he cared about. But it is highly unlikely I was this important to him. Armin might be somewhat right, but it's clear he still has a lot of research to do regarding me and mister midget over here.

I was going to ignore him, but apparently my mouth wasn't planning on doing the same.

"It's not like you care anyway..." I mentally slapped myself, just how could I let that slip?

"Frickin shit"

As I was about to leave and declare this conversation to be over, the corporal suddenly grabbed my wrists and forcefully pinned me against a tree.

"What the actual fuck!?"

I opened my mouth to protest, but it almost immediately closed. Staring right into his silvery eyes, I found myself unable to utter a single word. He stared back at me, with an expression I can only describe as frightened and anguish combined.

He looked insane

My breath hitched as he began speaking.

"Not care?... Do you have any idea how scared I was when you-"

"E-eh corporal I'm so sorry to interrupt but it's time for my training and I know how crammed your scheme is so I though____

While the cadet kept rambling on, the corporal's intense stare softened, and he slowly loosened his grip around my wrists.

"L/n, you may leave"

Right as those words left his pale lips I turned my heel around and walked off. I did not want to stay a second longer.

"The hecking corporal just did that. I guess it was wrong of me to doubt you Armin, he really does care about me..." 

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