Chapter 3

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For the past week, I have been forced to stay in bed to recover, but to my surprise, no more weird dreams occurred, which probably meant that the one I had was just a regular dream...


The first few days were awful, but after a while, I kind of got used to doing nothing.

And before I knew it, the days had passed and I was finally able to leave the hospital. Still fully bandaged, but well enough to get back.


It was late afternoon and everybody had gathered in the mess hall. Food was being served and as usual, people were chatting very loudly. However, they all suddenly went silent when someone walked in, and that someone was of course, me.

All eyes were glued on me as I went to get my food. Some of them were even whispering about something, but I couldn't hear what.

"Why are they all staring at me? It isn't the first time they've seen a wounded soldier..."

I finished collecting my food and was now walking around looking for somewhere to sit. While trying to ignore all the stares I rounded a few tables before seeing a blonde boy waving at me to come to sit with him. I, not wanting to walk around like a big monument anymore, gladly took the offer and made my way to his table.

I put my plate down and sat down in the empty seat beside the boy.

"Thanks..." I awkwardly thanked him.

He chuckled a little before replying. "No need to thank me y/n, we always sit together!"



As I tried to focus on my food I couldn't help but notice one of the boys at our table glaring at me. His turquoise eyes burned a hole into my skull from his seat, which happened to be the one right across from mine.

As the boy kept on glaring, I couldn't help but get a little uncomfortable.

"The heck, what'd I ever do to him?" I thought to myself while chewing on my almost raw potato.

I tried to ignore him, but after a while it became unbearable.

I jerked my head up and met his turquoise eyes with my e/c ones. "Could you stop it?" I said with a stoic voice, showing him I was not afraid.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you actually cared so much about me! He said in an irritated tone.

"What in the world are you talking about?" I replied slightly confused.

This answer seemed to have broken his thin layer of self-control. Clenching his fists and having the biggest frown I've ever seen he shouted.


The room went silent once again, no one even dared to move a single muscle.

I sat there, shocked at what he had just thrown at me for a few seconds before leaving the room.


I ran down the corridors, not really having a destination in mind.

My footsteps echoed through the bare stone walls, which were un-humanely clean for some reason.

After some time I found myself stepping outside the HQ building.

I walked on a path leading into the dark forest.

The chilly afternoon breeze hit my cheeks, helping me calm down a little.

The trees were swaying in the most peaceful way, almost making me forget about the fight that just took place.

"If only it could be like this all the time..."

My thoughts were interrupted when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. As they were making their way towards me, I did the only thing that came to hide.

I managed to throw myself behind a tree before the footsteps had reached me. I peeked from behind the tree and managed to find out who the footsteps belonged to, or rather to the people they belonged to...

U̶n̶dying love ~ Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now