Chapter 13

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When we finally got out of the house the ground vibrated with each step the titan took. All around us birds cheerfully chirped - delighted the sun's warmth had returned once again. But not for us.

The boys had moved the horses all the way to the other side of the village, where there was a small stable and water buckets for them to drink out of. Jean was now hastily leading us to it, taking turn after turn.

The titan-shifter's slow pace was like torture. Every time it put its foot down my heart-rate increased, even when it became so loud I could barely hear anything else. It knew we were there, and It knew what it was doing.

A scared animal is a weak animal.

By accident my foot came in contact with a small rock - somehow launching it sideways into one of the confined alleyways. It made a small clirking noise as it collided with something metallic. I didn't pay it much mind and kept walking. Curiosity wasn't something I had time with.

"About fucking time you came out. That monkey was about to have a full course meal." I paused mid-step. I know that voice. The others carried on moving forward. They hadn't heard him.

Slowly I looked back between the houses, as if any quick movements would cause him to disappear. But there he stood, bored as ever. "Corporal..." My eyes must have been fooling me. Him, here? Didn't he go back with the others?

"That's damn right. Tch, you don't know the trouble I went through to find you brats." Relief washed over me. I looked down at my feet, embarrassed he made me feel so at ease.

"Why are you just standing there? Go find your friends so we can leave this place." He did not need to tell me twice. Quickly I hurried after the boys - continuing up the road and turning left. It was easy to find them from there, our horses neighed very loudly behind some houses. Although they had water to drink, Jean never mentioned giving them any food. Just thinking about eating made my stomach rumble, they're not the only ones hungry.

I rounded another building and was met by their familiar brown fur. The corporal arriving only a second later. Marco and Jean had untied their horses, and were now in the process of sitting down on their saddles.

Marco was first to notice me. "There you are Y/n! We were right about to leav-" He stopped talking once he spotted the corporal coming up to my side. "W-wait, corporal?" Baffled, Jean stared wide-eyed at the grumpy man at my side. "Obviously Kirstien." Something huffed behind him. I looked back and saw he had brought his own horse with dark fur, just like the corporal's hair.

"How did he manage to do that so fast?"

"Why are you here?" The boy asked - wanting some kind of explanation from the man. Levi got on his horse. "Get ready to go, we don't have time to chat right now." Levi coldly dismissed the cadet's question. Jean obliged, still as confused.

Swiftly I untied my horse and got up on it's back. It neighed in protest, but didn't try to run away this time.

It wasn't a second too late. The titan had reached the village - and we departed right before it got the chance to spot us.

Levi rode in front with us behind, forming a triangular shape galloping through the crisp air. Swallowing hard, I silently prayed it wouldn't spot us. It still thought we were inside one of the houses - hiding. It only needed to believe that for a little while longer.

I was out of breath, even though my horse was the one running. I could already have been dead if Levi wasn't here. I grip my reins a bit tighter.

"No, don't think like that." I can't slow us down with my fear.

U̶n̶dying love ~ Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now