Chapter 4: Devil Town

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Friday April 19th, 2002
4 days remain...

(I don't know nothing about skateboarding, so bare with me.)

"Are you sure this is safe?" I say wobbling around.

"100 percent safe." Ben says holding my hand.

Skate boarding was something you tried, but always failed. And when Ben heard you don't know how to, he went crazy.

So, here you are, trying to balance on a skate board.

"Okay, once your ready your going to push your feet." He said getting on his skateboard to show an example.

He looked at you beckoning for you to go ahead and try.

You gulped nervously. Wow, all of a sudden those shoes look mighty fine.

You heard wheels gliding towards you, then flinched when a hand took place on your shoulders.

"I know you can do Y/n!" You looked up at the brunetted boy.

He gave one of his rare smiles. The one where he showed his teeth, and his eyes squinted, no doubt his hair was messy from the windy night, p.s he has dimples!

You gave him a reassuring smile, then looked at the concrete sidewalk. Taking a deep breath you pushed your foot then placed it back on the on the wooded board.

Trying to keep balance was a little hard, but everything else was easy. You repeated pushing the board with your foot, and soon enough Ben was right along.

You tighten the strings of your hoodie, taking the cool breeze on your face. Such a good feeling like this, a breezy night with a person you love, even if it was a best friend.

It's still a good feeling.

A warm a feeling came from your hand. You looked next to you, and Ben had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Watch this!" He said picking up the pace. You eyed him skeptically.

Ben slowed down a little then placed his foot on the back of the skateboard. He jumped when the skateboard flipped, then landed.

"I did it!" He said getting off the board then gave you a hug. "See when your around I have good luck." He said snaking an arm around your shoulders.

You rolled your eyes with a small blush, on his attempts of flirting.

You eyes went to the moon. It's so pretty it reminds you of how you actually made it into the cult.

Dearing dark times they came. They lifted you into their. THEY treated you like family.

You sighed with a little frown. You laid your head onto Ben's shoulder taking in his warmth.

"Yknow I wanna show you something." He said turning his head to look at you.

"Like what?" You asked.

"Cmon!" He said grabbing your hand, and running off into the night.

You looked around the neighborhood. Heh they were probably thinking, "Who's kids are these? And why are they up at 11:00 at night!"

You almost laughed at your own thoughts. Which you did alot. (I hope I'm not the only one)

You were to caught up in your thoughts you didn't notice you were right in the entrance of the forest.

"Ben Lawman you better not be taking me to the flower patch! You know you have a pollen allergy!"

"Oh calm down I'm not taking you there!" He said taking you more in the forest.

You looked at the forest trees, the way it drifted from the breeze, oh there's also squirrels sleeping in them!

"Here it is!" He said dragging me past trees. I looked to see where he was so happily dragging you to.

It was a grassy field, sure there were a few flowers, but it was absolutely beautiful.

I smile and ran off towards the middle of grassy green land. All I hear is leaves crunching, and Ben laughing.

I look up at the stars, and take a seat. Soon enough Ben was sitting next to me.

We take in a long silence. All that could be heard was the wind flowing, and a few crickets.

You slowly layed down on the slightly pointy grass. Taking a deep breath still looking at the stars looking for constellations.

"Thank you Y/n." You almost jumped at the whispered voice.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"For being there for me." He said laying on his side.

"Why wouldn't I?" I say laying on my side as well.

"Because no one else does." He said his voice cracking.

"I'll always be there for you. No matter what. No matter how scarred you are."

With that he started crying. You opened your arms, and he hugged you while burying his head in your shoulder.

You started brushing his brown hair, allowing him to cry.

He needs to get it out, no one should be holding in their tears. (Not even you reader <3)

"Let it all out Ben."

He held you like you would dissappear right then and there, and no doubt your shoulder was wet from tears.

Soon it died down into just sobs, and his grip was more loose. You place your head on his head.

"I don't deserve you. You're to good." He said with a little laugh. You smile hearing him be a little more optimistic.

"Nah I think it's the other way." He then lifts his head up to look at you.

"How about we don't deserve each other, yet here we are now having a crush on each other." He said getting off of me, and placing himself next to me.

Soon enough he placed his head on my shoulder. I place my arm around him, then lay my head on his.

This time it was a more comforting silence. Just taking each others warmth, and presence.

It was nice.

You looked at the twinkling starts, thinking of how big the universe really is.

Oh how did you even become one of them? Why did you have to agree to their contract?!

You frown a little, but decided to enjoy this while it lasted.

You felt your eyelids get heavy. Sleep sounds nice, no I'm not gonna have Ben drag me back to his place.

You kept fighting yourself to stay awake, but sleep won in the end.

That didn't go unseen by Ben. He didn't mind taking you back.

Besides he's tired from all the crying, so he'll gladly take you back to his place.

His mom already packed your stuff in the guest bedroom. Because your (guardian) had to go rush to the hospital to check on your aunt.

Sarah gladly said you could stay for the next 4 days.

Wait the next 4 days...

(Sorry if this felt rushed.)

《I trusted you》Ben drowned x GN!readerWhere stories live. Discover now