Chapter 13: Spy?

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December 20th, 2010.

            TRIGGER WARNING!⚠️

You grab the keys to 'room' 423. Supposedly  theirs  a person that signed up to be here.

But why? Who would actually want to be a project? Like legitimate WANTS to be here, knowing what would happen.

Putting a skip onto your steps you skip down the hall to the elevator. Leaning to press 4 on the wall.

Waiting patently, and fiddling with the keys you wait.

Your job was to make sure the project stays alive, and doesn't escape. Besides coming here willingly, means your fates sealed.

After that, there's no turning back.

"Y/n...." A voice called.

Was it Rosa again? What would she want?

You shake off the voice, and walk down the hall, whistling a tune. You go up to the door, and listen.

All you hear is footsteps, and gagging?! The footsteps turn into running, and bagging forms from the other side.

You quickly unlock the door, and a body fill into your arms.

This person is bleeding out!

"Please calm down! Um, please let me see what's wrong!" You said closing the door, and helping on the bed.

Finally, you see what the person looked like.

Short brown hair, blue eyes, rings, purple shirt...

"Y/n, you grew up." She whispered.

You looked at her confused, how can she still talk?

"Yknow, I came here to save my son, and you. But it seems your part of them."

"Sarah?!" You yelled.

"Shhhh, please let me help you. I thought the game wouldn't effect me. But somehow after fighting a soul, they stabbed Link.  But it gave me this stab.." She whispered to you.

You hugged her, "Sarah..."

"Y/n. Get the game, and destroy it." That sounded like a command.

"Why? What if I get caught? I would be in big trouble?! That would mean I was helping a victim!" You looked down your hands that was covered in blood.

"Y/n, you rather help the people you love, or watch them suffer from the fake." She sat up, and reached into her pocket.

"Take this. I think Ben would like you to have these." She handed you three photos.

The ones you took at the mall, the day he confessed his feelings.

"Go Y/n, please." She said closing her eyes.

You looked her one last time, and turned to the T.v. There was a N64, and like said the Majora's Mask cartridge.

Grabbing it with shaky hands, you walk to the door.

"Goodbye Sarah, I'll see you soon." You turned to the hallway, and run off.

Instead of the elevator you take the stairs, and run, over, over, and over again.

You run to the front desk, and grab your keys. It had multiple keys, but one opened the drawer.

You trying all the keys, while panicking. You knew BEN would know what your doing soon.

Satisfied when hearing a click, you look over the things. There!

You grab the lighter, and run outside. You run out to the back of the place.

Where the pool was. THAT pool. Yes the one where Ben drowned.

You walk to the side of the pool, and throw the cartridge on the ground.

You try to light the lighter, flick, flick, and flick.

"Just fucking work!" You whispered yelled.

"What are you doing?" Fuck.

You turn quickly to BEN.

"What do yall want?!" You yelled.

"Oh Y/n! Your apart of us! You really thought we wouldn't know what your doing? Right when we felt something in us feel, determined.

We knew right then, you were up to something!" A smile made way to their face. "So tell us Y/n, what are you up to?"

They tried to look what you had behind your back, but felled.

"Y/n. What. Do. You. Have." It was almost like a shadow casted their face because they had a serious face on them.

"They have the cartridge, BEN. They want to get rid of it." Mr.D said behind BEN.

"Really? How cute." BEN started laughing.

"So Y/n. You turned you back on us? Helping the victim, pathetic." Mr.D said.
"Do you know what that means?"

"Yes. But your not the one doing it." You quickly grabbed the cartridge, and pushed BEN as hard as you could.

Which is pretty strong because they fell on the chair.

"Damnit, Y/n!" BEN yelled.

You ran inside the building from the back entrance. One thing was in your mind, you must find a knife.

There was only place that had a knife, the employees only room.

Good day to be an employee.

Bad news is that it's on the seconds floor. Oh boy you can't take the elevator.

That's powered by electricity, and who's 50% electricity, 50% moon children? BEN. And particularly you.

But that's just a big automatic death.

You ran up the stairs, almost tripping some, and almost getting a heart attack from it.

You looked both ways of the hall, and ran to the left. Right when BEN was at the right side.

"Hello, Y/n!"

You looked them with panick. You ran to the employees only room, and winged it with your keys.

Lucks on your side, first try with the keys. Opening it and closing it, oh don't forget to lock it!

You ran to the kitchen half of the room, and grabbed the biggest knife you could find.

"Let us in Y/n!" It sounded like multiple voices, like they were all yelling it.

You close your eyes, and steady your breaths. "I'm coming Sarah. And I'm going to help you this time."

In a help of a breath you plunge the knife into your heart, and pain shot through you, but so did darkness.


We slam the door open, and looked all around the room. But y/ns body didn't go unnoticed.

"Pity we wanted to kill them!"

"Boohoo, BEN. That's not the problem. The problem is, now there's now a new person going against us." Mr.D snapped at us.

"Then what are we supposed to do?!" We yelled at him.

"Well there's only one person we can count on to do something." Mr.D said leaning on the wall.

"Is it one of us?" We asked at the same time.

"Yes, I need Matt."

Please remember that someone out there loves you dearly. Please don't do anything you'd regret immediately.

《I trusted you》Ben drowned x GN!readerWhere stories live. Discover now