Chapter 37

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Such a hectic day.

Kazama couldn't stop sighing as he kept recalling memories from the day, even though he was at home now.

The next day was a Sunday, so he didn't have to worry about wearing himself off. He was going to let himself have that night, for the sake of self-care.

Nothing else happened on the way back home.

Well, technically, something did happen.

Hikari had approached Kazama afterwards too, when all of them were getting off from the bus. Shinnosuke having been in the washroom, wasn't around at that time. So, it provided the perfect chance for Hikari to talk with Kazama.

"I have a lot more to say. I don't think we'll find a good time to talk at school. So, please, text me?"

He had said that with the faintest smile on his face, which was probably because of the fact that Hikari knew Kazama wasn't going to deny his request. He was happy, having reached this far. All he needed now was a obstacle-free way to communicate with Kazama and he was sure he would fix everything.

Kazama's eyes fell on his phone when he recalled that specific piece of memory. He didn't not want to message Hikari. But he also didn't really want to talk about being "friends" again.

Not yet at least.

After having dinner, he went straight to his room, taking his phone along with him. In times like these, all he liked to do was read or watch anything by his beloved idol, Moe-P. It felt relaxing, just him and his "me-time".

A new special Moe-P episode had aired just days before, but Kazama wasn't able to watch the same, so now, he was going to watch it in his room, covered in his soft and warm blanket while eating spoonfuls of Moe-P Vanilla Ice-Cream from the bucket.

This was his favourite pass-time. No worries of unwanted human-interaction or social pressure. So he dimmed the lights and cuddled up in the blanket, ready to start his comfy night.


"Are you stupid?"

"Are YOU?!"


Himawari yelled as she abruptly got up to reach for her mother. Her anger was over the roof, visible in her harsh stomps that she made across the room.

The reason behind the heated argument was the fact that Shinnosuke denied her from going along with him to Kazama's place. He was going the next day, since it was the last Sunday before they began their school exams.

"It's a study session!", Shinnosuke yelled so his voice would reach the other room, "What more needs to be said for you to understand that you. can't. GO?"

"But you promised! You liar!", Himawari yelled back, her voice seemingly tensed up, as if she was holding back angry tears. She was only ten after all.

She really like Kazama, although no one could tell the nature of the affection. Nevertheless, she really admired him and was understandably upset when denied a chance to hang out with him. It was especially annoying to her because if her brother was going, why couldn't she?

"Hima-chan," Shinnosuke said softly this time around as he got up to check on her. He felt bad for yelling at her like that. It was true that he promised her a trip to Kazama's place, but this wasn't the time. Kazama wouldn't be happy to see him goofing around at the time of studying, surely, "Next time, when we are going elsewhere, I'll definitely take you with me. But not this time, okay?"

Himawari looked at him for a bit, with a pout on her face and eyes filled with tears to the brim. She thought a bit and then moved her head into a nod.

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