Chapter 29

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Hikari, being surrounded by all the girls that had been prying on him earlier, couldn't find a suitable chance to talk to Kazama as he had planned to.

Kazama, along with Shinnosuke, spent the rest of the school day like he normally would, the only thing different being that he felt safer this time around. Less uncomfortable than when he was all alone at that damned school of his.

He was grateful for the fact that Shinnosuke was with him and oddly enough, it was a feeling different from what he usually felt about him. But his mind was subconsciously constantly filled with thoughts trying to process Hikari's presence there. It would take some time, he understood. He just had to stay calm and composed. Things were different now, because he wasn't alone. He was more mature, with the support of his friends by his side.

Nene and the others had questioned Kazama's absence when he had arrived in the class. Shinnosuke made a lame but believable excuse on his behalf that he was constipated and wasn't able to leave the bathroom. He also added the true detail that he had to go to the infirmary and no further questions were asked. And as much helpful Shinnosuke's excuse might have been, it still took Kazama all his strength to hold his hands back from hitting Shinnosuke.

"Kazama-kun," Shinnosuke called Kazama to make him turn his attention towards where he was pointing in the smartphone, "Let's go here today."

It was a new ramen place just around the corner from the school, Kazama had seen it on his way back home one day.

But Shinnosuke knew what Kazama would say, so before the latter could speak, Shinnosuke disagreed in advance.

"You can't keep studying, every, single, day! Come on now, let's go just this once!"

"But exams are just around the corner. You also have to focus on catching up to what's being taught, Shinnosuke.", Kazama was a bit surprised at how Shinnosuke had predicted his answer, but still disagreed.

After scratching his head, Shinnosuke offered, "How about this?"

He pulled his seat closer to Kazama's and sat in a manner one would sit when making a high class confidential deal.

"Come with me to this place, just once, today. And we'll go there, have the best~ time of our life. Eat. Look at pretty girls and talk shit about that guy."

Kazama's eyes followed Shinnosuke's finger once again as it pointed sneakily towards Hikari, who was now surrounded by the guys of the class.

"And after that, I promise I'll not drag you along with me anywhere. You can study to your heart's content."

Listening to his tempting offer, Kazama could barely resist saying no but refused anyways.

"Nope, not good enough." He plainly said before packing his stuff up. Shinnosuke grew more and more anxious, trying to think of ways to improve his "deal".

"Heck, even I'll study if you come together with me.", he blurted out, immediately realising afterwards that he might've gotten himself into the unwanted task of studying. But it was too late.


Shinnosuke felt his heart stop momentarily as he saw Kazama say the word with an expression of pure astonishment. A smile filled with excitement and surprise.

It was so cute.


"Really?", Kazama repeated, making Shinnosuke stutter as he managed to reply.

"Y-Yeah! I never lie. A deal's a deal."

Kazama was far too happy to notice Shinnosuke's false confident voice. It was the first in ever that Shinnosuke had agreed to actually study like a responsible person and Kazama was all up for it.

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