Chapter 16

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It was the next day, evening to be accurate. Misae was chilling on the couch as usual after having done grocery shopping. Watching drama in her free time was her favourite highlight of the day, and she disliked being disturbed during that time.

Himawari had club that evening and Shinnosuke was in his room, so some extra snacks were on the quality-time-menu for Misae.

But just as she was about to bite into the expensive branded cookie, the door bell rang.

"Huh? Is it the delivery guy?", Misae muttered. She hadn't expected any of her parcel to arrive this soon, but she got up excitedly nevertheless. After all, the new lipstick collection she had ordered couldn't wait any longer to be opened by her hands.

Leaving the cookie, she rushed to the door let her miraculously fast parcel in.

"Woah, you are so fast to open the door this time around. Why did you even lock the door anyways?", Shinnosuke commented as he rushed downstairs too.

Misae looked at him with doubtful eyes," Is it your guest?"

Shinnosuke said nothing and went ahead to open the door.

There stood Kazama, in his school uniform with his school bag.

"Good evening! Sorry to bother you.", Kazama greeted Misae, like the polite boy he was, taking her aback by his surprise presence.

"U-uh, it's no problem, Kazama-kun. Are you here to study?", Misae let him in as she closed the door. She sighed a bit, thinking she shouldn't have gotten her hopes high for the parcel.

"Um, hasn't Shinnosuke told you?", Kazama asked, stopping half away through the hallway.

"About what?", She asked.

"Actually, I'll be staying over for the night, if that's not a problem.", Kazama explained, thinking he was stupid enough to believe Shinnosuke, of all people, would've told his mom about the sleepover at home. That bastard was extremely forgetful about important information, and extremely sharp with useless stuff.

"Oh! What a nice surprise. That's great. I'm so happy to see you after such a long time.", Misae delightfully approved of the idea as she ruffled Kazama's hair.

"I'm also happy to see you.", Kazama laughed politely.

"Come on, I have some great snacks I just opened. You'll enjoy them.", Misae excitedly said as she tried to lead him into the room.

"It's fine, really I-", Kazama started but was interrupted.

"I wanna eat some snacks too!", Shinnosuke chimed in, snatching Kazama away by his shoulder, " And he is coming with me. Bring some snacks in my room."

"You brat, why didn't you tell me that Kazama-kun was coming over today?", Misae smacked Shinnosuke lightly, receiving an 'ouch' from him, "Good thing I had already prepared for a nice dinner tonight."

"Please, you don't need to worry about it. I'm fine with anything.", Kazama explained, still in Shinnosuke's grasp.

"Kazama-kun, you don't need to be so polite. This is like your own home.", Misae said as she reached out her hand to ruffle his hair again, but before she could get the chance, Shinnosuke dragged him away upstairs.

"Bring some snacks quickly, Misae! We're hungryy!", He yelled as closed the door to his room.

"Don't call me by my name Shinnosuke! And don't order me around either!!", Misae angrily yelled, "This ungrateful kid." She thumped into the living room. But she sighed when she looked at her cookie, lying there ever so delicately, waiting to be bitten into.

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