Chapter 30

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"Are you okay?"

Kazama carefully placed his palm over Shinnosuke's back, rubbing it in a soothing motion while the other crouched down in an exhausted manner.

Having eaten way too much ramen in one go, Shinnosuke felt sick and his stomach motioned him to gag as both of them were walking just outside the restaurant. He had been holding it in in order to not ruin his chance of getting the cute girl's number they had seen at the entrance earlier.

However, when he tried to flirtatiously open his mouth to talk to the lady, all that came to his throat was the acidic fact that he might throw up just any second. Kazama sensed the reaction and swiftly snagged Shinnosuke by his arm to take the boy near a corner where he could freely let it all out. It wasn't embarrassing for him to be caressed by Kazama, but it was pretty daunting to free himself to throw up considering the fact that they weren't that far from the restaurant. The girl was watching, naturally concerned.

Before she could approach them, Kazama waved his hand at her from afar and apologized. He also told her not to worry, to which she could do nothing but nod and go back to her place. This calmed the other boy a bit, who somehow couldn't find the urge to throw up even then. Instead, Shinnosuke just kept his head low as Kazama continued to sooth him.

"Answer me, Shinnosuke. Are you still feeling sick? Just relax yourself, let it all out, okay?", he worriedly patted his back and lifted his hands back to take out his water bottle.

"Ugh, don't.", Shinnosuke weakly grabbed Kazama's shirt and shook his head, making the concerned boy leave his bag as it was and quickly place his hand back to gently sooth Shinnosuke again.

"Do you feel okay? Can you stand up?", he asked again, to which Shinnosuke nodded slightly. Kazama couldn't stop a sigh from escaping his lips, after which he decided to finally let his words escape his mouth, "I told you not to eat too much, but you never listen, do you? What would happen now if you throw up and faint? Or worse, what if you get food poisoning? These chefs surely must be using some cheap stuff to cook the ramen. It won't be unthinkable considering the amount of people that come here everyday! But still, did you really need to devour the bowl like that?"

Listening to him ramble on was oddly reassuring to Shinnosuke, who was starting to miss the scolding he used to get all the time. "I didn't do it on purpose. It was just so, so good. My hands couldn't stop!", he said in an innocent defense.

"Whatever, Let's get home now, it's getting dark and you need to rest. Oh, look at your pants.", Kazama said as he knelt down carefully, so as to not dirty his pants from the ground, to pat Shinnosuke's since they got dirty at the knees from him kneeling down in an attempt to throw up. While sitting, he turned to open his bag to find a handkerchief.

"Y-You don't need to do that." Shinnosuke realised the awkwardness of the position that they were in and tried to stop Kazama. The other sharply snapped at him, "Let me do it! We're already really late. You need to get home and rest."

Kazama then continued to pat clean the dirt away from the pants all the while Shinnosuke helplessly palmed his warm face

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Kazama then continued to pat clean the dirt away from the pants all the while Shinnosuke helplessly palmed his warm face. Although, he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it a single bit.

When done, Kazama looked up at Shinnosuke and asked, "You still don't want water?"

Seeing him gaze from below, while kneeling down right in front him, almost activated something in Shinnosuke.

He suddenly grabbed Kazama by shoulders and pulled him up in one quick motion. "I don't want water, let's go already.", he mumbled hastily and started walking while scratching his neck.

Kazama was dumbfounded and surprised. He couldn't understand why Shinnosuke did that, but noticed that his ears were red. This made Kazama rush after him.

"I knew it!" He exclaimed with surety, making Shinnosuke widen his eyes.

"What?", he asked in a clueless voice, trying to compose himself. Could it be that Kazama found out whatever mess was going on in Shinnosuke's mind? All the pondering, blushing, heart reading? But it couldn't be possible. Even Shinnosuke himself didn't know yet for sure if he liked-

"You feel sick! You have a fever.", Kazama answered, reaching his hand out to touch Shinnosuke's forehead, "I'm right. Your forehead's burning up! Is it really food poisoning?!"

The inaccurate observation made Shinnosuke sigh from relief and almost smile at his dumb, worried friend.

"No, you idiot.", he said in a low tone, "It's... because of visual overload."

Kazama blinked at being called an idiot for the first time. Were the roles reversed?

"Visual... overload?", he repeated Shinnosuke's words.

"You wouldn't understand, now let's go home.", Shinnosuke brushed it off and started walking again.

"Are you really okay, Shinnosuke?", Kazama asked for the nth time to make sure, still worried about him.

Shinnosuke smiled at him said, "I'm really okay, Toru-kun."


Author here. I'm so sorry guys! This update was so late but it wasn't on purpose. I kinda suffered through my first writer's block and it was bad ಥ‿ಥ.
I didn't like anything I wrote at all and I just didn't wanna mess up the flow we have going on right now in the story so I, at one point, even deleted a draft worth 1800 words. But I guess I kinda did mess up the flow for fellow readers while trying not to, UGH! ANYWAYS, thank you all of you for your sweet comments and patience! I'm happy you guys waited for this. I was so sure that my fic was sure to get dropped and forgotten cause it's almost been 3 weeks since the last update. But I'm so grateful for all of you. Thank you! I'll be back with a nice and long update next time.
Have a nice day/night!

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