Chapter 34

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"This is a nightmare!"

"You say that like we have been doing this for hours and still can't this right. It's only been, what, like 5 minutes. Stop worrying. We'll figure it out."

A conversation between two girls struggling to set up their picnic spot for an aesthetic photoshoot fell in Nene's ears. But she wasn't going to 'help a girl out' that day. After all, she had to live all of the experience while she had the chance, with Hikari.

After arriving, much to the teacher's disappointment, everyone had already formed their pairs to spend the rest of the day with, despite having clear instructions to stick with the original group plan. Some kids were sitting as a trio or maybe as a group of four, but for the most part, couples were scattered around everywhere, platonic and romantic.

And although Kasukabe force wasn't a group that ever split, Hikari's presence changed their never ending oath for loyalty this time around. Nene wasn't, however, going to take responsibility for it because to her, everyone seemed well off with their partners. Shinnosuke with Kazama, Masao with Bo and Nene with Hikari. What's there to worry about?

Surely, there was something to worry about, for her specifically. It didn't take a psychoanalysis expert to tell that Hikari was not at all interested in doing whatever Nene planned to do with him. His eyes seemed to wander off into the distance, and before Nene could follow them, he broke away his gaze from whatever he so intently kept looking at. His behaviour during the whole time made Nene question if he was a totally different person or not. On a normal day, Nene would've dealt with him like she would with any other one of the boys, by being bossy, but she couldn't afford to upset Hikari. Maybe, she had her first proper crush without even realising it.

Not too far from this pair, Shinnosuke and Kazama sat under a tree with their bento boxes. At much request, from Shinnosuke's side, Kazama had agreed to feed him. Not in the usual way though. What he did was something close to how a mother would feed the kids. He put pieces of sandwiches in Shinnosuke's bento box and even took some of the stuff in exchange too. Not much of a "feeding the other" session, but Shinnosuke was quite content with it.

Just mere steps afar sat Masao and Bo. They really didn't have much going on, except Masao spying around. Bo had brought his camera with him, and a box too. Other than taking group pictures, his original plan was to go on a walk around some trees with Masao and take pictures of rocks he found. Some he could pick along if he liked them enough to take home. However, since Masao seemed to have been immersed in the spying session, Bo couldn't bring himself to drag Masao along with him.

"Masao-kun.", he said in an almost quiet tone, so as to not disturb him from whatever he was doing.

"Yeah?", Masao answered back but never really turned to look.

As expected, I can't disturb him. Bo thought, sulking a bit. "I'm going to take a walk around the trees, to find rocks. I'll be back soon."

Masao nodded, and just like that Bo left. What made him so busy, one might ask. Well, since his one and only love, Ai, refused to take the bus to the school trip, Masao had been long awaiting her arrival in her signature black ride. But it had been too long of a time, making him anxious as to why he couldn't find Ai anywhere. Thus, the spying.


"It's getting sooo boring!", Shinnosuke fell to the ground and groaned, "I wanna do something fun~ Kazama-kun! Let's do something fun!"

"Yeah, let's do it.", Kazama spoke without taking his eyes off from the book he was reading, his voice also never matching the appropriate enthusiasm with the words he spoke.

Shinnosuke felt annoyed, so he sat back up and scooted closer to Kazama. He stared at the book from over his shoulder, only to find numerous political terms and financial tactics, without any drawings or pictures, which he couldn't seem to understand.

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