Chapter 18

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* Trigger warning, description of SH. *

"Hey hey! Have you heard about the new student?"

"Oh of course yes! I remember being told that they are very good looking!"

"Is it true though?"

"Well, we'll know when we see, hehe."

The bell rang, which made the class filled with excited whispers go quiet. The girl that had been whispering and giggling just earlier braced themselves for the student standing outside the classroom.

"Well, well. All of you are quite excited to meet the new member of our institute!", the English teacher, Miss Barry, chuckled as she observed the students, "He is standing right outside the door. Now, if you will." She said as she made her way towards the door.

Kazama Toru, the bright student who was extremely excited to be there, was right behind the door. Just as the door opened, Miss Barry invited him in with a warm smile, "Come in, boy."

He nodded and fixed himself before he followed her into the classroom. The class broke into whispers and "wows", looking at the, indeed, handsome young boy in front them. The boys, though, were a little disappointed that it wasn't a girl, but the girls. Oh, the girls. They were absolutely delighted to be able to look at that face of his. The pearly complexion complimented by perfectly light pink lips and gorgeous dark-blue silky hair.

"Everyone! This is  your new classmate. Please introduce yourself?", she turned to face Kazama.

He looked at her, then at the crowd of students looking directly at him. Surely he was an introverted individual, but he loved being able to present himself in front of the crowd.

"Hello, everyone! I'm Kazama Toru. I am 14 years old and I love to read. I hope to get along with all of you.", he said proudly, admiring his own fluent English speaking skills.
His soon to be classmates made appreciative gestures. It was an English based school after all. Speaking in English right off the bat had quite an impression on them.

"Very good, Kazama-kun! Very good!", Miss Barry said, also impressed by him,
"Now, you can go over there and have a seat next to, ah, Hikari-kun." She said as she pointed her finger somewhere between the rows of seats, next to a boy who was Hikari.

Kazama nodded and walked towards his assigned seat.

"Psst, hey!", someone whispered as Kazama tried to settle down in his seat, "You were really great up there."

He turned around to see the boy next to him, Hikari, smiling at him.

"Thanks.", Kazama replied a bit shyly. He had gotten his first compliment in less than a minute, definitely a win in his book.

"Okay, so now open your textbooks and open lesson 1."


The crowd around Kazama's seat was pretty big, so much so that anyone outside the crowd wasn't able to see his face clearly. It was mostly girls, with some boys here and there.

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