Chapter 15

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"Don't go!", He yelled, huffing from all the jogging around, "Kazama-kun, why are you running?"

"I'm not running!" Kazama replied, speeding up his walk even more which clearly looked like running, "I am just a bit busy so I can't talk right now."

With that he took a turn to the next corridor and by the time the chaser reached there, Kazama was gone.

Shinnosuke sighed loud, letting his body lean towards the wall as he tried to catch his breath. He had been chasing Kazama all day, since Kazama was most definitely avoiding him, much to Shinnosuke's dismay.

In class, Kazama had been trying all possible ways to avoid Shinnosuke. Everytime the latter tried to talk, the former shut him out, either by the excuse of a book reading session or something else. Shinnosuke tried to so hard to not let that get to him, as he really wanted to believe that at one point Kazama would just talk to him and that he was probably taking some time to prepare himself.

"But God! He doesn't need to avoid me for that!", Shinnosuke thought as he groaned. He had been determined to wait for as long as it would be required, but the avoiding part was getting frustrating. Kazama could clearly just tell him to his face that he wasn't ready to talk about whatever he wanted to yet and Shinnosuke would happily agree. But the fact that he was deliberately trying to dodge him made Shinnosuke chase him even more.

"What are you doing here, Nohara-kun?" A voice came from behind his back, catching Shinnosuke's attention, "Are you skipping again?"

"No?" Shinnosuke replied, straightening himself a bit when he saw the teacher, who seemed to be on a patrol duty of sorts.

"It's always the slackers who do patrol.", he thought in his head, trying to repress a smile because of his own joke.

"Then why are you out here? Go back to your class." The teacher commanded, observing the boy that was trying to not laugh.

Shinnosuke nodded his head and silently went towards the corridor where he had lost trail of Kazama. He then laughed for a bit, or else he wouldn't have been able to settle down.

"Hah, This day kinda sucks.", He thought as his laugh faded away, remembering about Kazama.

He looked around to find any clues as to where Kazama had disappeared to, before he made his way past the boys' washroom. It was the famous abandoned one, the frequent faulty wiring being the culprit. It had made kids spread rumours about how that place was haunted, the lights going off on their own and the place itself being in the end of the loneliest corridor on the campus.

But that didn't stop Shinnosuke. As it might be apparent by his bad luck in such things, he felt the immediate need to use the bathroom right at that moment.

"This day really sucks.", he very softly murmured hesitating to enter the washroom, not because he was actually afraid of all the haunted stories. If anyone who knew him even a little bit was to be asked about it, they would most definitely say that Shinnosuke was not afraid of such things at all. The reason why he didn't want to go into that washroom was actually because he knew that since the washroom was not used as frequently, it probably also wasn't visited by the janitor as frequently. No one could imagine how dirty it would be.

But he couldn't take it anymore. Wiggling in his place, he tried contemplating his options. The nearest washroom apart from this one was in the next corridor that was too far away. He was smart enough to know he wouldn't be able to make it in time if he chose to go their.

Surrendering to his much demanding bladder, he went into the washroom. His nose was scrunched up in advance for what was to come but what he saw left him speechless.

Stop It Shinnosuke! Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora