Chapter 22

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"Ah! Come on just press that one button thingy right there!", Musae yelled, "Oh my god, you idiot!"

"Stop yelling! I can't concentrate!", Shinnsouke shouted out of frustration, "Shit! Look you made me lose."

"How was that even my fault?!", she shouted back.

Right now, Shinnsouke was at his aunt Musae's house.

The famous photographer was now 36 years old, a thriving artist and still not married. Nothing bad about it though. After all, her not having a spouse and kids allowed Shinnosuke to come over at her place anytime and play Minecraft. She had a big slim 75 inch TV, and let's be honest, who could resist playing on that thing?

"You really need to get back home now.", Musae stood up and stretched out from the position she had been sitting in so long for, "My friends are coming over so get out before they get here."

"Heh, yeah sure.", Shinnosuke scoffed.


"You don't have any friends.", he said bluntly. Too much for Musae to handle.

"I do have friends!", She protested, "And a whole lot of 'em."

Although she was almost gonna be 40, her habit of bickering with her nephew still remained the same. One word from Shinnosuke and they would be yelling their throats out.

"You can lie all you want, cause I for one sure haven't ever met any of 'em.", Shinnsouke laughed sarcastically and picked his stuff up from the couch.

Musae looked at him for a bit. Just as he was about to leave, she asked, "Hey, why did you come over today? You didn't rant about anything at all, so what'd you need?"

Shinnsouke stopped to think, his expressions displaying his deep thought process.

"I don't know.", he answered simply grinning.

"Gosh this brat! Get outta here right now before I kick you out. Shoo!", she waved him off, wondering why she had even asked him that question. Shinnosuke smiled and walked out whistling playfully.

Something about her nephew made Musae worried but turns out it wasn't anything at all.

And she was wrong.

Shinnosuke actually was there for something.

For venting something out to Musae. Just like he always did.

But this time was different and he couldn't bring himself to do it.
How could he even tell her?

That he had a wet dream?

About Kazama Toru?

"Agh!", he cringed at his thoughts and recent memories. He ruffled his hair  hard as he made his way back home.


"Welcome home Shin-chan!", Hiroshi greeted his son with a smile as he entered the house, "Where have you been?"

"Musae's", he mumbled back, not responding back with the same enthusiasm.

"You mean aunt Musae?," Hiroshi reminded him of the honorific that Shinnosuke ever so often forgot to use.

"Yeah yeah. I'm gonna go upstairs.", he said plainly and went upstairs, leaving behind his dumbstruck dad.

"Well, that was unusual. He's awfully quiet today. Is something up?", Hiroshi asked, deep in thought, as he sat next to Misae.

"Probably.", Misae said as she chowed down on her cookie, the inexpensive one. Because it turned out that the branded ones weren't that good after all.

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