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"So is this the house you two have decided on?" I ask with a smile on my face

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"So is this the house you two have decided on?" I ask with a smile on my face. Ever since I moved to London with Evelyn 4 years ago I've been working as a realtor. I found out I have a talent for selling houses. I've sold about 56 houses so far this year. So much that next week I'm getting hired by a big time CEO to help with a large project. They plan on building this house for a client and my job is to sell that house to a lucky rich person. The pay is good so the answer was of course a yes.

"Yes. It's beautiful and will be perfect for our little girl." The woman says as her husband rests his hand on her large tummy. Looking down at her tummy I remember how last year my best friend Evelyn just had her child Scarlett. She wanted me to be there through the entire thing.

"Great. I'll start the paperwork and have it sent to your email by the end of the week." The woman nods and shakes my hand before walking to her car with her husband. Turning on my heel I also make my way to my car with a smile on my face. Another sale for another day. So far I've only had one person who didn't want one of my houses and that was when I was just starting.

Having no idea what I was doing at the time I mentioned a con about having the house too early on into our talk. The con turned out to be enough for him to not even look twice at it.

This woman has had her eyes on this house for a few months now. She's been saving up with her Husband in order to get the home of her dreams. I've kept it on the market just for her. Now she finally gets to make a life here. As happy as I am for her, I'm even more happy to get rid of this house.

Pressing the button on my keys my black and gray jeep beeps a little bit down the street. Walking to it I get in immediately. Putting my keys in the ignition I start to check my phone. 20 missed calls from mom? ! 10 missed calls from dad? 6 missed calls from the hospital? What the hell is going on? Why do I have so many missed calls?

The radio blasts scaring me out of my thoughts. Quickly I turn it down as I dial my mother. She answers on the first ring. "Cali, why haven't you answered your phone." My mothers voice cracks as it comes through the phone. My heart starts to race at her tone of voice. She never sounds like this unless something is wrong.

"I just got done with a client. Mom, what's wrong?" Questioning I try to stop my shaking hands.

"It's your brother. H-he got into a car accident." Her voice breaks through the phone. The world around me starts to spin at the news I've just received. He was just at my house last night telling a joke about driving all the way to New York with his son and wife.

"I-is he okay?" As the question leaves my mouth I soon regret asking.

"He's gone Cali. His wife is too." She sobs. My eyes widen and my heart beats faster. Everything around me starts to go dark as I start gasping. My lungs start to burn as the tears in my eyes form. I feel sick!

He can't be gone! I just saw him yesterday. No!

"Cali, I need you at the hospital now! Liam is still alive but needs surgery." She says through tears.

"O-okay. I'm on my way." I speak through tears. Hanging up my phone I drive off immediately. It's going to take me a while to get there from where I am in London. My plane for the US hasn't even been booked. Aiden and Evelyn would let me borrow their private jet though. I'll have to call them on the way.


When I arrive at the hospital 9 hours later I run inside immediately. My mother is there to lead me to the room where my brother and his wife are. Too scared to go inside, I immediately go into his son's room. He's connected to a ventilator. His breathing is shallow and he has a bunch of scratches on his face.

"W-what happened?" Turning towards my mother tears run down my eyes.

"When he got back from London he packed up and started driving to New York. He must have been tired and thought he wouldn't need to sleep before leaving." My mothers voice cracks.

This is all my fault. Before he left I told him it was a good Idea to take a road trip with Liam and Sydney. We had just got done drinking and I told him it would be perfectly fine. I had no idea this would lead to his death.

My breathing starts to speed up and my entire body starts to burn. My mother walks over to me and hugs me. "Breath baby." She says trying to be strong for me.

Her hug warms me and I've missed it. My brother is gone. He's dead because of me. Liam doesn't have a father or a mother any more. My mother and I sob together.....

As I sit in the waiting room the Doctor fills my mother in. "Liam will be fine. We need to keep him here for a few days to monitor his breathing. Your son on the other hand...I'm sorry." The doctor hands my mother a bag with the last things my brother had on his body.

She hangs her head as she stares at the bags and my heart hurts.

This shouldn't have happened. He shouldn't have left so soon. He was only 28 years old with so much going for him. His son. His wife.

The doctor bows his head before walking away. My father walks over to my mother holding her as she cries into his arms. This isn't how things were supposed to happen. If only I told him not to go he would still be alive....


Standing there I watch my brothers lifeless body. My chest hurts as I think about our talk last night. He was so full of energy yesterday morning. Excited about being able to go to New york with his family before heading back home.

Tears roll down my eyes. I've lost a part of me along with him. Falling to the ground the sound of my sobs fill the room. I can't be here any longer. I need to get away...

 I need to get away

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