Chapter 12

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Kween Orca's Reign of Awesomesauce was a complete disaster.

At first it seemed a complete success, Queen Coral Needs Go Pee-Pee did not just do well in the SeaWing Kingdom, but - to the surprise of many Box Office forecasters – in International Territories as well, especially in the Kingdoms the SeaWings were at war with. Turns out the IceWings and SkyWings and such loved to see the Ex-Queen of their opponents being portrayed in such an entertaining light.

SeaWing propaganda for you right there.

Kween Coral's potty dance became so patriotic, that not only did the film avoid the UP Rating (for UnPatriotic), it actually got the P Stamp of Approval (for Patriotic I guess, but that of course is debatable).

"Once not dignity 'nuff for Kween?" Queen Orca let her Momma know, "Can't get more patriotic than Kween Cowal's Nationaw Potty Dance!"

Ex-Queen Coral just yelped as Queen Orca's clever contraption whooped her again.

Perhaps the most brilliant achievement of Queen Orca's reign though was the introduction of the Queen Orca plushy.

Every single SeaWing was given a Queen Orca plushy, and thereby a new law was passed: Every day, every citizen of the SeaWing Kingdom must play with their plushies for no less than a one-hour period. How did Orca enforce this new policy? That's where the super special secret came in, each plushy was animus touched so whenever someone played a super epic and awesome adventure with their Orca Plushy, it would make Orca feel super happy and special. But whenever someone did not play a super epic and awesome adventure with their plushy, she'd feel super sad. Whenever this happened, guards would be immediately deployed to the house of the perpetrator of "lame adventuweness", and they would receive the spanking they so badly deserved.

Along with the Queen Orca plushy, there was also an Ex-Queen Coral plushy. These ones were meant to have amusing adventures with, all of which the Ex-Queen would totally feel as well.

Perfect use of Animus magic.

But the real disaster arose with the war meetings. One day Queen Orca was meeting with her ally in the War of SandWing Succession, Princess Blister.

"Bwister," Orca giggled, "That a funny name. Tha'd be funny if you had all the bwisters in the wowld."

And so, Blister left that meeting covered in blisters like she'd never been blistered before, blisters in places she never wanted to talk about. She wouldn't be sitting down anytime soon.

During Orca's reign, seriousness was declared so lame that no serious issues were ever resolved. Because of this, the collapse of society was imminent. Fortunately, the collapse of society was much more entertaining than actually dealing with the issues that caused it to collapse.

But still... maybe it would be best to find someone lame to deal with all these lame issues before they got out of hand.

Then Orca realized her Momma had been lame. Maybe she could deal with all these lame issues.

As Orca watched buildings crumble outside her window, she remembered her time with Queen Coral, all the fun pranks she'd pulled. They'd had such fun together (Although Orca was starting to suspect that her 'Omma hadn't found those moments as fun as Orca had for some reason). Orca looked at a picture of her and her Momma laying on her desk.

It was no longer the same, ruining her Momma's dignity when her 'Omma had no more dignity to loose.

Perhaps the 'Omma would be best to return to the throne.

For now.

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