Chapter 2

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"How're you doing?" Gill asked. Queen Coral had just gone into labor a few minutes ago, and from the expression on her face, Gill couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"I'M DOING PERFECT!" Queen Coral screamed in her most sweet, bubbly voice. "CAN'T YOU TELL!?"

"That's great." Gill replied all his anxiety evaporating in an instant. "I can't wait 'til the baby is born."

"BELIEVE ME, I CAN'T WAIT EITHER!" Coral gasped through sparkly rainbows of excruciating agony.

And things would have continued being perfect for Coral, except Orca was inside that egg, and Orca was an animus.

And animus dragons could do anything.

So, Orca used her animus powers to find out what was happening outside the egg, outside momma.

"Ooh, this hurts her," said Orca, a mischievous rebel at heart even now, "I can have fun with this."

Meanwhile Coral was in sheer agony, just suffering to hold in her Queenly dignity. The contractions were just too intense. Wave after wave of pain, the muscles in her belly loosening and tightening at rapid pace.

And Orca timed it perfectly. Another wave was coming; the muscles just about to tighten around the egg.

And that's when she did it. Using her animus powers, Orca expanded the egg to nearly double it's size, the muscles set to tighten forced to expand.

If a Queens is always dignified, at that moment Coral ceased being a Queen. Screams and inaudible strings of gibberish insults erupted from her mouth.

Now Gill, charmed by the fact that Coral was laying his egg, decided now was a good time to take out the tape recorder and start recording.

"Smile for the camera."

Queen Coral would have ripped that tape recorder from his talons and thrown it at his face so hard it would have shattered into a million pieces. But Orca chose that moment to shrink the egg back down to its normal size, just as a contraction was loosening. It was like being slapped by a rubber-band except a million times more painful, and Coral collapsed to the floor leaving Gill and the videotape unharmed.

And Orca was just beginning, how many different sizes could she change into in her momma's belly? How much fun she could have with this while she still had the chance.

And so it began:

"Size of hat!"

"Size of a peanut butter jelly sandwich!"

"Size of Washing Machine!"

Timing each and every change perfectly with the contractions for maximum impact.

And Queen Coral had totally lost it, any form of Queenly dignity out the window as she shouted and screamed her brains out like a complete lunatic. (She clearly wasn't as amused by this as the rest of the world for some reason).

Gill on the other talon, was quite enjoying this (obviously because it wasn't happening to him), with his tape recorder on hand and all that, never missing a glorious moment of his baby being born.

"Size of Scavenger!"

"Size of Kitty Cat."

"Size of Queen Coral herself!"

Queen Coral's eyes bulged. She couldn't even open her mouth, could only give out a desperate "MMMM-MMMM-MMMMMMM!" as she scrambled for a position where she could let her belly flatten out. Unfortunately, when you have an egg inside you as big as yourself, your flattening out your belly is not an option.

"Size of Nintendo!"

"Size of Toyota!"

"Size of Panda Express!"

"Size of Gameboy Advance!"

But this only went so far. What could Orca do more?

A wicked grin crept up the little scoundrel of a fetus' face.

"Size of Jade Mountain!"

Well, because this is a comedy (or because Orca was an animus and decided she still needed a momma for awhile yet, you decide) Queen Coral did not explode. But also being a comedy, it hurt just the same. (Well, I guess if you look at it from the perspective of Coral, it was downright some sort of morbid torture-horror mutant, but whatever, we aren't Coral, so we'll call it a comedy)

But just because Coral didn't explode didn't mean the ocean didn't. The SeaWing Kingdom was just to small to fit a belly the size of Coral's without consequences. So there came a tsunami so great, it covered the whole continent of Pyrrhia (Giving inspiration for the name of another daughter Coral would later have).

The IceWings were playing a game of cards when the wave hit.

"The SeaWings must be having an animus." One of them surmised, shaking the water off. Before returning to their game.

"Size of an Atom!"

The rubber band effect that followed was so powerful it broke the sound barrier creating a sonic boom that could be heard all across Pyrrhia.

"Yep, definitely an animus," said the IceWing, casually laying down a blackjack.

But finally, Orca was growing tired, and she didn't want to waste too much of her Soul on this (if she ever had any at all the little brat), so she decided to close it off. But just because she was done didn't mean she was going to make it any easier on Coral.

"Size of subway train!"

Queen Coral barfed. (Obviously eggs didn't sit well with her)

There, get that out of yourself, Orca thought curling back into her fetal position to rest.

But while Orca finally got to relax, Queen Coral still had a long way to go.

And Gill captured every single moment of it on the tape recorder.

I'll return the egg to normal tomorrow, after they're done laying me.

Wings of Fire: Kween Karen Lays an Egg (OUCH!)Where stories live. Discover now