19 || When Words Fail...

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'Why was she so angry?' I pondered, confused. Then it hit me. My words had failed me! I said it all wrong! I messed it up!

Of course I wanted to kiss Maya! That kiss was sweet and amazing and I couldn't resist it. But I didn't want our second first kiss to be like that. I wanted to kiss her, and I wanted it to be perfect. I didn't want it to be some drunken kiss like so many others I've had before! I wanted it to be when I chose!

My heart was beating rapidly. "Shoot!" I yelled angrily, clutching the steering wheel and planting my face on it, accidentally honking the horn for a few seconds.

I have to fix this. When I ran into the parking lot to look for her car, though, it was already gone. So I texted her of course, not expecting a response. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

I should go to her house. Yes, that's what I should do. It seemed like the option was slipping away, though, as my hair grew soaked while I raced back to my car. What if she doesn't pick up the door and I'm just left in the rain?

Sometimes you just have to tell yourself to shut up, because your mind is utterly stupid.

I'd swim across an ocean to be with Maya. Besides, when did a little rain hurt anybody?


When I arrived home, Puck was fixing himself a snack in the kitchen and I just knew he was going to make fun of me for looking like a hot mess. My mascara had probably run down my face from my crying and my hair was most definitely not in the best shape. Luckily I'd dodged the rain, though just barely.

When I made my way to my room, though, Puck did the unspeakable. Never in a million years would I think Puck had a heart. "Uhh, Maya... are you alright?"

I slowly turned around to face him again, and I just knew I looked terrible because his face gave it away. "What ever do you mean, brother?" I mocked in a British accent.

"You've got something like... here." He motioned to his entire face. Could he be any more blunt?

"Yeah, I know. Thanks." I turned again to go to my room when for some reason he followed me. "What?" I asked halfway down the hall, annoyed.

"Can we... talk?" he asked me. Second person that's asked me that today. Funny.

"Why?" I sighed, now wondering if this was some prank.

"Because." Wow. Helpful.

"What?" We were still in the hallway, awkwardly standing there.

"Come sit." He walked over to the dining table to sit down, and I took a seat across from him warily.

"What?" I asked again, growing annoyed because I really wanted a nap.

"You know how I like, knocked up Quinn?" he asked casually.

"Yeah, I'm aware."

"And you guys kissed a lot at Rachel's party..."

I clicked my tongue. "Your point?"

"First, don't kill me." This is where I began to grow really worried.

"No promises."

He sucked in his breath, then spit out quickly, "I saw you guys kiss in the parking lot and I know you like her, and..."

I bit my lip, not liking this at all. Shoot. "And?" I asked more fearfully than I'd wanted my voice to come out.

"And... half of the glee club saw too."

I stood up, giving him an obviously fake smile. "Anything else?"

"Uh... let me think for a sec."

I kicked him under the table and walked to the bathroom to clean up. When I was finished, I walked to my bed which was practically calling my name when I was interrupted yet again by a knocking at the door. Mom and Allison went out to dinner tonight, so they were absent. I walked over to the dining room, which was right next to the front door.

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