17 || Overpriced Chocolate

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Valentine's Day is just an excuse to sell overpriced chocolate.

It's where all the couples brag about being couples and all the singles are degraded for being single. I don't care that I'm single, but when everyone in glee club is asking who my valentine is and are trying to comfort me when I say I don't have one, it becomes upsetting.

I heard a rumor that Puck and Lauren had a heated seven minutes in heaven and are now dating. I don't know, nor do I care, if that's true.

Tina and Mike are going strong. They're definitely perfect together.

Brittany and Artie are still dating. They're cute... I guess? It kind of just happened out of nowhere, and they seem more like friends with benefits to me. But hey, their relationship.

Richard asked Becky out today after liking her for so long. She agreed, and they're going to Breadstix tonight for their first date!

I gave up on trying to track Finn and Rachel's relationship, but by putting together the information that Rachel is the jealous type and Finn has a kissing booth set up in the middle of the hall, they're broken up at the moment.

Kurt has the same view of Valentine's Day as me. He had this whole ordeal with Blaine, who had been oblivious to Kurt's feelings and put on a very romantic show to ask his crush Jeremiah out. After Blaine got rejected, Kurt confessed his feelings to him. Apparently things were looking up for the two!

Then there's Alan, who is single and very unhappy with it unlike Sam, Mercedes, and Santana, who seem to be fine with it. Alan is what you could call a "hopeless romantic." He wants to love someone so badly, but has expectations so high that maybe nobody will ever meet them. So today is really hard for him.

 And finally, there's Quinn and I. It's been about two months since we nearly kissed, and since then nothing like that has happened. I'm losing hope. Plus, there are so many guys that want to date Quinn at this damned school. One or ten are bound to ask her out, and she's gonna say yes to one of them, and I'm gonna be alone.

So that's how my day is going!

It's Friday, and to make matters worse, last week Schue assigned us homework: pick a partner and sing to them what you think the world's greatest love song is. What kind of assignment is that?

Of course, since it's the week of Valentine's Day, everyone was supposed to sing theirs Monday, Wednesday, or today. I chose today.

Puck sang an offensive song to Lauren, who opted out. Tina and Mike sang a duet. Santana oddly sang her song to Sam. Mercedes sang hers to no one in particular. Rachel, Finn, Quinn, Sam, and I have yet to do ours.

Anyways, I'm now in the hall during lunch break trying to make it to the courtyard, but there's a line of students holding up the hall. I realized it was for Finn's stupid kissing booth. This was obviously just a ploy so he could kiss a bunch of girls, not raise money for glee club.

And no, I am not going to pay him a dollar for a kiss. Honestly, he should pay me a dollar for a kiss. Or ten.

But not everything in life is fair, so I pushed past the eager girls, set on going to lunch, when I saw that it wasn't just girls - Alan was in line, too!

"Hey Alan!" I said.

"Oh... hi Maya."

"You're lining up to kiss Finn too?"

"Yeah, I figured if I'm going to kiss a boy sometime, now's my chance." He stuck his hands in his pockets trying to look casual, but he actually looked very nervous.

"Alright Alan! Have fun...?"


I was just hoping Finn's delicate masculinity wouldn't get in the way of him kissing Alan; I think that would make him feel really insecure. Alan is sensitive like that, especially when it comes to rejection.

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