15 || Gingerbread Cookies and Pine Trees

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Christmas brings joy and peace and love.

It brings gingerbread cookies and pine trees and family.

But most of all, Christmas brings memories.

That is why last Christmas was not joyful. Every year, my mom and I would go over to Judy and Russel's house to spend Christmas Eve with them. Lucy was there, of course, and Frannie, who even came home from Harvard when she'd started college.

Our families were really close - except for Russel, who didn't like me for some reason. Probably because I didn't have great grades and wanted to be some type of artist when I grew up.

Last Christmas, we didn't go over to Judy and Russel's house because our families had grown apart. All our traditions were discarded and we were left with only a Christmas tree and memories showing us we could be much happier.

It was a sad Christmas.

This Christmas, Judy did not invite us over. Actually, my mom said we would spend it with Allison and Puck. It's been hard to come to terms with the fact that my (sort-of) step-brother was Quinn's first and they share a baby. Really hard, on top of the fact that he too bullied Kurt and is an overall dick. But I'm adjusting. We've spent a lot of time with them lately, and I was slowly learning to tolerate the utterly insufferable Noah Puckerman.

Don't get me wrong, we still do not like each other. Hate may be more fitting. We're just better at controlling our arguments and can now sit in a room together for an hour or two without fighting! Great strides.

A lot has happened in the past few weeks. Kurt told his parents about Dalton, while I was there to support him. They actually liked the idea so much that they offered to fund it with the money for their honeymoon, which took some time for Kurt to be comfortable with.

Then he told the glee club, again with my support as I stood with him, and he transferred to Dalton at the end of November. He joined the Warblers, the glee club there, and him and Blaine have been growing closer. Kurt thinks Blaine doesn't like him back the way he does.

I think he's wrong.

Soon after, we had our sectionals competition, which the Warblers were competing at, as well as a team called the Hipsters. Quinn and Sam had a duet. While this made me a bit uncomfortable, Quinn assured the glee club she didn't like Sam. It wasn't my place anyway.

Plus it didn't matter because almost everyday I got the privilege of hearing her perfect voice. There's no other way to describe her, she's just perfect.

We tied with the Warblers for first place, which I was glad about; I'd really wanted to see Kurt win, but I'd wanted to win as well. It was lovely.

We also acquired a new glee club member around then when Lauren Zizes saved Puck from a porta-potty he was shoved in. She hadn't really seemed interested in joining, but after a lot of favors Puck convinced her. He definitely liked her.

No, I don't seek out Puck's love life, he's just so obnoxious about it that you can't not notice. It's annoying.

Speaking of love life, Alan told me that Richard has been pretty interested in some girl in their shared Homeroom class. I've seen them together too, but didn't think much of it until he informed me.

Her name is Becky Jackson, she's like Sue's right-hand-woman. I haven't really talked to her before but if Richard likes her, I'm down to support him. Plus they look really cute together.

Tina's dating Mike Chang, and they're a perfect match. Really, they're like peanut butter and jelly. A flawless couple.

Today was Monday, the last week before winter break. I'm absolutely elated to be done with school for a few weeks.

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