5 || Oops! I... Did It Again

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"Oh my god, you didn't."

"I did..."


About a month had passed since I'd started my Junior year at McKinley, and now it was mid-September. I'd gotten closer to Tina, Alan, and Richard, who were my main friends. It was cool, because at Elida, there were barely any tolerable people and I'd only considered Lucy to be my friend.

She still wouldn't talk to me, by the way. Quinn, that is. Lucy would've. I'm pretty sure they're different people. The only thing that's the same is her eyes... her beautiful hazel eyes...

Oh god I'm staring. I quickly looked away, embarrassed. Shoot, I've been doing that a lot I guess. I don't think she's caught me staring, and if she has, she hasn't said anything.

I've caught her staring, though. I don't know if she's mad or what, because I don't see a reason for her to be, but she also deflects my attempts to try to talk to her. And since basically everyone I'm cool with is in glee club, and she's in glee club, we're bound to overlap. I just want to talk so it will be less awkward...

Anyway, she doesn't, so it's fine. It's fine. Are she and Puck dating? Because they're sitting really close...

I shook all those petty thoughts off, clearing my lunch tray and saying goodbye to my friends.


After my last two classes, there was an assembly where the glee club was supposed to perform. Tina told me they're still low a member, so they needed to spread the word a little. I was sitting next to Richard, Alan, and Sam on the bleachers, awaiting their performance.

"And now we have Toxic performed by the glee club... New Directions," Principal Figgins announced dramatically.

"Baby, can't you see I'm calling?

A guy like you should wear a warning

It's dangerous, I'm falling"


They sang and danced and it was an awesome performance, despite the fact that Mr. Schuester dancing so provocatively with students was very questionable.

And Quinn did amazing. Why didn't she get any solo parts in the song? Don't ask me! She still killed it though, especially her dancing-

My thought process was rudely interrupted by a blaring fire alarm. It was chaos as people were trampled, but I quickly took a different route than most; behind the bleachers and around.

It turned out not to be a fire after all. As I made it outside and wandered through the crowd of people, I noticed Karofsky pushing... Alan. Oh crap.

As I nonchalantly walked closer to the corner they were at, I saw the picture more clearly: Karofsky, Azimo, and a blonde kid were literally pushing Alan and Tina. Tina fell down and now Alan was yelling at them as she stood back up.

I was freaking out trying to figure out what to do, when luckily Coach Beiste ordered them to "knock it off." They seemed terrified of her, it was hilarious.

What wasn't hilarious, though, was Alan's bleeding nose and Tina's teary face. I went over to them, comforted them, then took them to the girl's bathroom to wash up. Most people had left already because school was over, so I figured it was probably fine.

Letters to Lucy || Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now