1.5 || Lucy,

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You'll never see these letters, because I'm never going to show them to you. Ever.

I love you. Maybe I'm supposed to hate you? I don't know.

You left a week ago, just up and left, no warning. I guess you didn't feel the need to tell me you were moving, because we're not friends anymore. But I still had hope.

We haven't spoken a word to each other in sixty-seven days. Yeah, I counted, so what? It's your fault, by the way. Asshole.

During that time we shared glances in the cafeteria and in class. Do you remember? I guess if you do, you don't care. You didn't have hope. I did.

You see, I thought after the summer we had, things would be different. Better.

After we kissed the week before summer break and spent the days of warm sunshine kissing more and holding hands and being us.

I miss you, and I'm too young and too angry to love you, but I still do.

This letter will never find you.


Letters to Lucy || Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now