3 || Glee

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I clicked off my alarm clock. It read, "𝟽:𝟶𝟶 𝙰𝙼; 𝚃𝚑𝚞 𝙰𝚞𝚐 𝟷𝟿." Riiight. School. I was extremely tempted to just go back to sleep since Mom had left and there was nobody to tell me to wake up, but I got up nonetheless. I don't know where the motivation came from.


Tina noticed me at my locker that morning and offered to walk me to my first class. I was grateful, glad I wouldn't be late yet again. I really like Tina, she's sweet.

The first class I had today was English with Ms. Hanson. The only ones I could name were Kurt and this kid named Azimo, who I coincidentally had most classes with so far. There were assigned seats; to my left was a guy with a puffy brown afro, glasses, and a creepy smile; and to my right was a girl who introduced herself to me as "The Mack." Don't ask.

Next I had Chemistry with Ms. Castle. We did a get-to-know you, which I finished quickly and proceeded to listen to my iPod for the rest of class. I didn't know anyone, and didn't make an effort to as our worksheet suggested, because I was exhausted for whatever reason.

Finally it was lunch and it felt like days had passed already. When I made my way to the courtyard to sit down, I couldn't spot Tina or Artie or Kurt or Lucy. I decided to try my luck and sit next to Alan and Richard, who happily accepted me at their spot at the table.

We chatted about nothing in particular for a few minutes before a cult of people in matching "NEW YORK CITY" shirts and gold chains came out with a boombox. I recognized, coincidentally, Tina, Artie, Kurt and Lucy. Then, they started singing.

"Yeah, yeah I'm out that Brooklyn, now I'm down in Tribeca

Right next to Deniro, but I'll be hood forever

I'm the new Sinatra, and since I made it here

I can make it anywhere, yeah, they love me everywhere"


I had to admit, I loved Artie's vocals as well as the backup singers. I would gladly listen to them sing anyday.

"Is this some sort of club?" I ask, looking pointedly at Richard and Alan who are vibing to the music.

"Yeah, the glee club," Alan replies. "It's probably to hype people up for their auditions on Monday. You should stop by, me and Richard play bass and drums for them. We'll be there."

"Hey, you should audition!" Richard says, still swaying to the music a bit.

I shush them after that so I can listen to the rest of the song. And... subconsciously, of course - watch Lucy because I love her dancing.

Kurt, Tina, and Artie's dancing is spectacular too, of course, and I don't know how Artie manages to keep up in his wheelchair. They're killing it though.

Once the song finishes, I notice Karofsky and his stupid squad complaining about their lunch being disrupted by the glee club yet again. They kept going on and on and it was really annoying me, so when I walked back from putting my trash from lunch away, I purposely whacked the back of Karofsky's head. When he turned around, though, I was already swept away by the mob of students beginning to head to their next class. I felt deeply satisfied.

Letters to Lucy || Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now