2 || Pass It

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When our eyes met, her face morphed into a deeper scowl, if that was possible. Lucy Quinn Fabray is at my school! Why didn't Mom warn me of this? Did she know?

'Shoot!' I thought helplessly as everyone grabbed basketballs and partners. I had no clue what we were doing and didn't know who to partner with. My fate was sealed when Lucy stormed right up to me with a basketball clutched tightly to her chest with both hands. She threw it at me harshly, and luckily I caught it.

"Want to be partners?" she asked with mock friendliness. Seeing as everyone had already begun passing drills, I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Long time no see," I said blandly, passing the ball to Lucy.

"That's all you have to say?" she questioned with a raised voice, furrowing her eyebrows and passing the basketball back to me with more force than necessary.

"Yeah, I mean, you're sort of the one who cut me off so I don't know why you're so pissed." I had to raise my voice as well because of the noise in the gym. I dribbled the ball this time before throwing it like it was going into a hoop but instead Lucy caught it with ease.

The loud dribbling and chatting of the gym reflected the chaos of thoughts spiraling through my head. Lucy goes to this school now? I'm screwed!!!

She scoffed at my comment, throwing the ball so that it bounced down then back up into my hands.

"What?" I asked, twirling the basketball on my finger. It was the only trick I knew; Mom's ex-boyfriend, Travis, had taught it to me. He'd also tried to actually teach me how to play basketball - but failed. I'm horrible at sports.

She hastily grabbed the ball out of my hand, lazily dropping it on the ground without disconnecting her eyes with mine. She then asked in a quiet yet demanding voice, "What the hell are you doing at my school Maya?" She gritted her teeth and scowled at me. 

Lucy never did this, only Quinn. Lucy was kind in every sense of the word. All I see now are her familiar hazel eyes contorted with anger for a reason I can't figure out for the life of me.

A few seconds passed, and I didn't know what to reply with. How was I supposed to know this was her school?! Maybe Mom will let me transfer...

It was then that Ms. Beiste chose to blow her whistle, ordering everyone to practice shooting hoops at certain points on the court. I still had no answer for Lucy, so I simply winked at her and picked the basketball back up, lining up to shoot.

We didn't converse for the remainder of the class, considering how chaotic and loud the environment was. I didn't spare a glance to her when I saw her glaring at me from my peripheral vision as I strode out of the gym with my normal clothes back on and my bag slung over my shoulder. You know, maybe gym isn't so bad after all.


I was now sitting at lunch with Tina and two boys who she introduced to me as Artie and Kurt. After a pause in the conversation while they were chewing, I was itching to ask something and couldn't hold back any longer.

"Hey guys... I was wondering about something; I got hit by a slushie earlier, is that like a.. thing... at this school? Because it's hella weird."

Tina, who was sitting next to me, faced me and said, "Yeah. Happens weekly to most of us."

"Oh, not Artie though! He pulls the wheelchair card everytime - and it works! Genius." Kurt grinned his toothy smile.

"Can I borrow that sometime Artie?" I asked pointing to his wheelchair, completely serious, but Artie just laughed and shook it off while they picked up a conversation about a cheerleading coach. Rude.


My next class was Geography with Ms. Doosenbury, which turned out to be completely boring as we dove right into notes; so many that my hand cramped.

My final class of the day was Woodshop with Mr. St. Pierre. He was cool and I liked his French accent. He taught us a bit of safety, then let us try some of the equipment out so we knew how to use it. I met two people named Richard and Alan that seemed pretty nice as well, and Alan already knew how to use some of the tools so he helped us out.

At last, the day was over. I plugged my key into the engine, driving out of the school and heading straight home. When I arrived, Mom wasn't home yet (the middle school got out a bit later than us). However, when she did come home, she brought with her a delicious-looking pizza. It was our first-day-of-school tradition. 

She asked me how school went and I thought that was a boring question so I responded with another question, asking why she didn't tell me Lucy went to McKinley. "You could've given me a heads-up..."

"You should probably know she goes by Quinn now, and I thought you didn't talk to her anymore? I just didn't think it was important, sorry. It's where I went to high school and met Judy, Allison, Burt... their kids go there now. I just thought it would be nice to connect with some of my old friends. But it's fine, I can always transfer you to East Lima High..."

"No, no, it's fine Mom, really. Speaking of Allison, when can I meet her?"

"Oh! I'll ask her when's a good time, she's swamped with work at the moment so probably in a week or two. Maybe I can convince her to get her son to come too."

"What's his name again?"


"He goes to McKinley?"


"Last name?"

"She said Noah took his dad's name, but she doesn't like to talk about him. His dad's out of the picture, just like yours."

Yeah yeah, my dad checked out after he learned my mom was pregnant. I've met him once or twice though - complete dick. Good friend of Russell Fabray's, so I bet you can see why I don't like him now.

"Hey, we already have something in common!"

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