Worth it.

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Naruto was emotionally exhausted as he headed back into the office.  Between the hateful stares as he walked the streets of his home, and the weight of the potentially being removed from the position of Hokage, he had to make a very conscious effort to not drag his feet as he returned.  All he could do, was to remind himself that those he loved would always be by his side even if the rest of his world fell apart.   

This time, despite all of the anger and resentment being thrown his way, Sasuke wasn't going anywhere.  

His family wasn't going anywhere.

Never again was he going to have to face their hate alone.   

"Good news, Hokage!" Shikamaru greeted in surprising good spirits. 

"Need that! Spill. " He smiled, taking off his cloak and resting it on the back of his chair before settling back in his desk, noticing a fresh stack of paperwork had found its way to his plate.

"Team 7 and Team 10 passed the second phase of the Chunin exams!" Excitement and pride took a firm hold, smothering the turmoil that was previously eating him away instantly leaving only reserves bursting with joyous energy.  The Hokage leapt from his seat and pumped his fist in the air. 

"Yessssssss!!!!" He celebrated. 

Only stopping as he noticed Sasuke just sitting calmly, reading through some paperwork he had stolen from Naruto's ever growing stack.  The blond raised a confused brow, "Oi, Sasuke?  Aren't you more excited?  Sarada and Boruto are moving on to the final rounds!" 

Sasuke just shrugged. "Sarada is an Uchiha, my daughter, I had no doubts that she would pass and drag that idiot of yours along with her." 

"Yeah... me too." Naruto posed seriously with his hand on his chin, "Yeah.  Of course I had every confidence they would pass.  Great genetics and all."  Nervous laughter bellowed through the air as Naruto pretended he wasn't worried at all.  

"Besides, Boruto is a much better shinobi than you were at that age- so team seven didn't even have to worry about lugging dead weight like Sakura and I did, Usuratonkachi."  

Wide eyed and ready to fight, Naruto clenched his fist as he turned to his partner, "Dead weight!!!?  What the hell are you talking about, Teme? Surely you dont mean me!?  I saved your ass in case you forgot! Your ass passed out for most of it!" He spat.  

"Your age has dulled your memory."

"Saaassuke! You're older than me!" The totally mature Hokage retorted.

Stifling a chuckle,  Sasuke decided to tease a little more, "Then your stupidity must have spread."

"I'll show you... spread..." The hokage growled as he tackled the Uchiha, sending papers flying as Sasuke tried to cling to the desk before unceremoniously falling to the floor with a thud. An annoyed Naruto straddling him with a strong grip on his collar.

"Uh... niichan? I mean... lord seventh?" A very confused Konohamaru stood in the doorway, not sure if he should be looking away or not as he tucked his chin into his tattered blue scarf.

"Oi! Leave the foreplay for home. Don't make me get the hose." Shikamaru called, not bothering looking up as he scrolled through the rest of the day's docket on his tablet. "You better be bringing us something good, Konohamaru."

Not sure how to react around Naruto and Sasuke... now that he knew they were... a blush swept his face as he glanced at their position, immediately diverting his focus to the floor, and then the ceiling. "I uh... I... Kakashi said I needed to... it's the uh.." A deep blush covering his face out of sheer discomfort.

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