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Sasuke and Naruto walked side by side out into the calm summer night where only the delicate melody of summer crickets chirping broke the silence. "Ah, Sasuke." Naruto smiled as he took in the sweet night air, turning his attention to the sky. "The stars are so perfect tonight."

"Hn." A small smile curled on the raven's lip as he took in the beauty of the night's peaceful serenity.

Naruto began walking down the path to the main road, his eyes closed and his arms above his head. "If you weren't leaving at dawn, I would suggest that we take a nice little stroll up to the Hokage faces like old times."

"Tch. Who's fault is that?" Sasuke played annoyed, he had planned to take a few days relaxing in the village, but couldn't be mad that the Hokage had to send him out once again to keep an eye on the mist village in case an uprising happened before Shino and the students arrived.

"Our allies are as important as you and I in protecting the vill-" He was distracted from his thought as he heard the crinkle sound of his foot kicking a paper takeout bag. "Huh?" Letting out an annoyed sigh, "psh. People can be so careless... leaving trash wherever they please." Picking up the bag, the delicious smell of barbecued pork wafted to his nostrils.

"S-Sasuke....." Naruto's voice was low and serious.

"What is it?" The Uchiha's posture stiffened, prepared to take on whatever threat was lurking.

The blonde turned back to him, the take out container opened in his hand, drool pooling at the corners of his mouth. "It smells so good! It's a full meal, still warm and everything!" His excitement was short lived as Sasuke quickly snagged the bag, and all of its tempting contents, throwing it all in the nearest trash can... mildly breaking Naruto's heart.

"Teme!!!!...but... I- I'm so hungry", he pouted, holding his belly, which was now begging for the meal louder than Naruto's mouth was.

Sasuke placed his hand on his fox's head and slightly squeezed. "Dobe. You're not nine anymore. You do not need to be scavenging leftovers." A small chuckle snuck past as he watched his love sulk.

"Come on. Let's get you home before Hinata gets too worried", he said as he started off in the direction of the Uzumaki home.

Naruto jogged to catch up to the quick steps of the Uchiha, "You're walking me home?" A sweet smile spanned ear to ear.

"Someone needs to", as he flashed a sarcastic glare, "Don't need someone luring you to your death with the promise of dumplings."

"Come on! I wasn't really going to eat it..." he lied.

The two poked jabs at each other and talked about the ferocity of the previous generation of the deadly swordsman of the mist as they walked side by side to Naruto's home. As to be expected, all of the lights were off with the exception of one illuminated lantern hanging from the porch. Neither of them wanted to part, never knowing when they would have precious time together again, so they stood in silence staring at the structure.

"...Sasuke." The name came through as a whisper, the raven looked at the blonde but didn't answer.

"Oof!" Naruto let out in surprise as Sasuke grabbed his arm and pulled him roughly to the side of the residence. Once hidden in the shadows, away from the possibility of any prying eyes- Naruto was pushed gently against the wall as Sasuke knowingly stared into his love's pools of blue.

Delicately, he ran a finger over the tanned cheeks, tracing the lines of Naruto's bizarrely unique and beautiful whisker-like birthmarks, making the Hokage's heart flutter. A bandaged hand caressed his own as Naruto nuzzled into Sasuke's touch, sweetly brushing his lips against his lover's palm as he tightened his grip.

Painful Obsessions ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora