A Little Obsessed.

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Shikamaru woke in a great mood.

It was a beautiful fall day- the leaves were flaunting their orange, gold, and crimson hues. The heat of summer had faded, leaving cool mornings and perfectly warm days. 

He leaned over to kiss his wife on the forehead before climbing out of bed and getting ready for the day. Brushing his goatee. Slicking his ponytail back so not a hair was out of place on his pineapple-styled do.

Damn near whistling in alignment with the pep in his step, he took his usual route to the office, stopping at his and Naruto's favorite little coffee shop on the way.  'There is nothing that can bring me down today, Naruto can bring all the mood swings today- I'm ready for 'em.' He thought as he entered the Hokage building and headed down the hall to Naruto's office.

"Oi, Naruto! Got you some c-" his smile dropped, his shoulders slumped and he felt his eyebrow be consumed by an irritating twitch.

"Hey Shika, is it morning already?" The Nara stared at Naruto, he clearly hadn't slept and was surrounded by box after box, dozens of scrolls sprawled out around him. The blond didn't bother looking up from what he was enthralled with, only holding his arm out to reach for the coffee.

Shikamaru handed the hot cup to the empty hand and stepped over the mess to put the rest of his stuff down. He decided to ask the question he already knew the answer to, "So... what are you working on?"

'Goddamit, Sasuke...'

Taking a big swig of his drink. Naruto quickly stood and ran to the small sleeping room and rolled out a big whiteboard with chicken scratch scribbled over the whole thing in addition to some arrows, words highlighted and circled.

"There is no way I lost memories from that poison." He pointed at his counselor. "This Sasuke guy is literally the only piece that's missing." He rubbed between his eyes.

"Team Seven for instance. I went through every mission on record, I remember all but a few small D-ranks- I only remember me, Sakura, and Kakashi." 

Pineapple- head nodded slightly.

"The Chunin exams..."

"Then, there was the first mission you lead with Chouji, Neji, to return a missing NIN."

"This guy", he gestured to the files, "This guy put me in the hospital more times than I can count.

"...It was only like, three times," Shikamaru interjected. 

"Whatever." The Hokage snapped. "He joined Orochimaru, tried to kill Sakura, Kakashi, attacked Gaara and the other Kage." His eyes went wide, "but then, he fought alongside me during the war. He even received power from the sage of 6 paths..." he gnawed on the knuckle of his middle finger. "He was back on our side so... suddenly."

"This guy was clearly a huge piece of my life ..." he trailed, "there is no reason that any poison would target one specific person.  It would wipe out chunks...A jutsu however..."

"So?" Shika leaned on the desk, mildly curious if he was going to figure it all out.

"His eyes!" He snapped. "I researched his eyes!" Rushing over to a scroll with an Uchiha crest on the handle, pulling it open, he shows off details on the multiple versions of the Sharingan and the Rinnegan, pointing at their known abilities. "He fucking did it. He messed with my head with his eyes." Naruto practically growled.

 Shikamaru's eyes shot wide as he choked on his drink.

"The only thing I can't figure out... is why?"

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