Happy Accidents

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Naruto began packing up the hospital while Hinata was finally getting to enjoy a much-needed shower.

"Naruto!" a very chipper Sakura danced into the hospital room.

"Oh, Sakura-chan. Good morning." Naruto grinned. "Are you here to give us the okay to leave this place?" he reached his arm behind his head and laughed, "You should know by now, I hate it here ."

"Oh. No. You have to wait for the admin." She dismissively waved her hand and hurried to sit next to her closest friend. "Guess who is in town?" Naruto shrugged pretending to have no idea.


"Sasuke." Naruto tried to act surprised.

"Guess what happened?" She bit her lip trying to not spill before he got the chance to guess.

Naruto suddenly felt a pit I'm his stomach, "What happened? Is he okay?"

"Oh, he is better than okay" she blushed and slapped the blonde's shoulder. "He stayed over last night, and we did it all night long!" (once, but whatever) she giggled. "It's finally happening "Ruto! He has finally realized he loves me. I bet it's our wedding next!" She bounced in her chair in giddiness.

'I'm going to throw up...' Naruto smiled and tried his best to seem excited for his friend. "Wow, that is... great."

The next 10 minutes were pure torture as his childhood friend went into way too much detail from getting drunk at the bar, to her need to scream into a goddamn pillow.

DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL HER? Kurama asked seriously as he could feel Kit's anger and jealousy build.

"Sakura-Chan." He gently placed his hand over her mouth closing his eyes tight, trying to get the images out of his head, "Please... if you mention Sasuke's penis one more time... I'm going to jump out of the window." He scrunched his eyebrows as he begged.

"Sorry, but who else can I talk to about this?"

"Literally, anyone else in the land of fire" He forced a laugh, trying to not let any emotion get the best of him.

"You're such a stick in the mud, Naruto." She pouted. "So are you going to go see him while he's here?" her face lit up, "Maybe we can go on a double date!"

"God no!" he answered slightly quicker than he should have. He shook his head, "I'm sure working directly under Kakashi while I'm out with the family will keep him really busy. I'll catch him next time." He smiled.

"So you did know he was in town" she raised an eyebrow. "Are you two in a fight or something? Him I understand not wanting to see your annoying mug, but it's weird that you don't want to see him."

"I think I've spent enough of my time chasing Sasuke" he lied. "If he doesn't want to see me, then I'm not going to put the effort into it. I've got Boruto and Hinata to think about."


The month flew by.  The Uzumaki family finally seemed to get into a rhythm of diaper changes and waking up with a newborn every three hours.  "Oh man, he's finally back down." Naruto stumbled and fell onto the couch exhausted.

He doesn't cry nearly as much with her. Are you sure you're doing this right?

'Hell if I know

-Ding Dong-



Both the exhausted Naruto and an exhausted Kurama shouted in unison as Naruto stomped over to the door.

"WHHHAT?!" He screamed, well... his face screamed, but his voice whispered. He opened his eyes after releasing his rage.

"I'm sorry, Naruto. Did we wake the baby?" Kakashi smiled apologetically.

Sasuke was far behind the 6th Hokage, his back facing the blond- obviously not happy that Kakashi forced him to come.

"Sasuke..." His fox's scratchy voice triggered something in him and his body moved on its own. He quickly turned and walked toward Naruto.

Once he was close enough to touch, he gently grabbed his ex's chin and stared deeply into his eyes. "You look like shit, Usuratonkachi," Sasuke said in his usual cold tone, hiding the small smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

"Ahh, you always know what to say, asshole." Naruto wrapped his arms around Uchiha tightly. "I missed you, Teme." He placed his hand on the black of Sasuke's head and played with a strand of hair. 'He looks so good.' He smiled softly as he took in the face he loved so much.

"I'm here too, you know," Kakashi mumbled.

Sasuke held Naruto's face, "look at the circles under your eyes. Is she feeding you properly, are you sleeping?"

Naruto looked down sheepishly, "Yes, she takes care of me." He smiled, "That baby though, he may be the death of me." 

Kakashi accepted his role as 3rd wheel and walked over to the Uzumaki's refrigerator and started to pull out things to snack on.

"Where is your family?" Sasuke looked around.

"Upstairs. They told Hinata to sleep when the baby sleeps."

"When do you sleep?"

"Never" he stated quickly, followed by a bout of nervous laughter as he checked the baby monitor.

He sat on the couch, Sasuke taking the adjacent chair. "So... I uh... heard about you and Sakura. It's good to hear that you're... you know... not alone while you're here." He said awkwardly, obviously not overly thrilled by the situation.

Sasuke sighed and rubbed his temples, "Ah, ya... I've enjoyed spending time with her...she is more fun than I remembered." he closed his eyes, "Though some aspects of the relationship are proving to be a bit more of a challenge than I had originally anticipated..." His eyebrow twitched. Naruto snorted as he Busted out laughing.

"Rebuilding the clan?"

Uchiha blushed out of embarrassment, "I've told her I want to take things slow...hopefully, that holds her off for now." He closed his eyes, pressing his fingers against his forehead. Naruto grinned- though he would never admit it,  he was happy Sasuke didn't see the night as magical as Sakura had.

"Oh, Sasuke" The two were taken by surprise as Hinata greeted her husband's dear friend and came down the stairs, "Naruto, why didn't you tell me we had guests?"

"Don't worry about us!" Kakashi poked his head out of the kitchen.

Eyes wide, "Oh. And Lord Hokage is here."

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