In Which there are Dead bodies and hot dates

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Dick asked me out. We were standing over another dead body and he just causally asked me out.
"So Eleanor I was wondering if you would want to go out tonight?"
I looked at him for a minute, kind of stunned before I replied,
"You're asking me out," I pointed at the body between us, "literally over a dead body?"
"Yeah I am, so.." He trailed off.
"Uh yes."
He smiled, "I'll pick you up at six? I'm sorry if that's a bit early but I have something I need to do later."
Ha thank god we had the same extra circulars or I'd be screwed, I turned back into a teenager around eight or nine, it varied.
"Six is perfect."
Six was not perfect, I had gotten off work at five so I had less than an hour to get ready. I took a really quick shower, it would have been faster but I had to shave my legs, because he was taking me somewhere fancy so I had to wear a dress. I hoped he appreciated the effort, I hated shaving my legs.
I curled my hair put on makeup and pulled on my dress. It was blue with a sweetheart neckline, it even sparkled a bit I the right light. He was punctual, at exactly six o'clock he knocked on my door. I opened up the door and smiled at him. He looked very cute in his suit, his tie even matched my dress.
"You look beautiful." He said as we walked outside.
"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself." I complimented him. He opened the car door for me,
"Ever the gentlemen." I smiled and slid into the car.
"Of course."
We chatted idly on our way to the restaurant, he made bad jokes and I laughed. When we got there he opened the door for me and led me by my elbow.
"Reservation for Grayson." He told he maitre D.
"Right this way."
We sat down and I looked at the menu,
"Have you been here before? " I asked him.
"Yes I have." He replied.
"Well then what's good?" I asked.
"The steak is good, my personal favorite is the chicken Gorgonzola though." He told me.
"Sounds good to me." I smiled cheekily.
Soon the waitress came by and took our orders, and we chatted for a bit until I made a slip up.
"Yeah I would really love to visit Starling city some time, maybe I would see the arrow." I winked.
"What? Do you mean Star city? And the Green Arrow?" He looked very confused, whoops.
"Uh yeah, I have no idea why I called it Starling, ha weird." I laughed nervously. I had been watching way to much Arrow, but who could blame me? Stephen Amell the guy who played Oliver on the show was so pretty. Although Dick wasn't too bad himself, and he as well and Stephen Amell did have fantastic abs. Sigh.
"Let's play twenty-questions." I changed the subject.
"Okay, let's start simple, favorite color?" He asked.
"Orange, you?"
"Blue, you next." He responded with a small smile.
I twirled the stem of my wine glass as I thought,
"Where are you from?" I of course already knew his answer, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
"All over, I grew up in a circus, but I spent most of my childhood in Gothem. Your turn." He told me.
"Well I didn't grow up in a circus, just Seattle." I replied.
"You know I don't know if I've ever been there before, what's it like?" He asked.
I wagged my finger at him,
"Ah, ah, ah your breaking the rules, no follow up questions." I teased him.
"Okay, hmmm favorite animal?" He asked.
"I like birds," I twirled my hair as if pondering the rest of my answer,
"Robins are nice." I smiled innocently at him. "I like Nightengales as well, pretty birds they are." I was playing with fire and I knew it.
"Tell me Dick, what's your favorite animal?"
He choked a bit on his wine, but then replied,
"I like bats." Well played Dick, well played.
"Favorite hero." And he changed the game.
"Ooh that's a hard one, I've gotta say the Flash, Wally though, not Barry." I said, the answer just rolled off my tongue it was what I was used to telling people when they asked.
He defiantly choked a bit then.
"I'm sorry what did you just say?" He exclaimed.
"Crap." I muttered.
I think it was divine intervention that The Red Hood chose that moment to shoot up our restaurant. Only in the DC comics universe would that ever happen.
"God damn, thank you Jesus, or I guess Jason." I said to myself as I grabbed my gun from its hoister around my thigh. That was so not how I had imagined my night going.

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