In which I meet Batman????? (And Robin)

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(Six years and an unfortunate encounter with an inter- dimensional transporter later)

Where the hell was I? New Jersey didn't look like New Jersey anymore. instead of the airport I had been in before I passed out, I saw towering buildings rising up around me. Above my head was a slightly dilapidated monorail and directly in front of me was the back entrance to the tallest skyscraper I had ever seen. I pulled myself up off the cold concrete and surveyed my body; I had a few minuscule cuts and bruises, but those we're already almost gone, my clothes we're slightly torn, but not in an overly noticeable way and my black as pitch hair was falling in tangled waves around my waist, but overall I seemed to be pretty okay. The last thing I remembered was finally assuming possession of the package I had been sent to collect, I had opened the box and then.... It was all a blank after that. I had been working for a secret sect of the CIA for years now and due to my "special" talents, and a lack of family, I was one of their best operatives. I had been in a covert mission to collect a package from one of our foreign operatives, I had been checking the contents of the package when I had blacked out.

Just then a man in a hockey mask dropped down in front of me.

"You have something I want little girl."

"And what might that be creepo? You know Halloween was months ago right?" I asked incredulously.

"You don't know who I am?" He seems to be truly shocked, "No matter, you have the inter-dimensional transporter, and you're going to give it to me."

"Why would I do that? And what the hell is an inter-dimensional transporter?" I asked.

"It's is a device, that transports people between dimensions, as the name suggests, and according to the tracker it is in your possession, so I will state again, hand it over."

Was he on crack?? Inter-dimensional transporter? Was he talking about the package?

"Look, whoever you are, you are not getting the package, it's property of the CIA." I asserted.

"The what? Regardless the league of Shadows wants it and I will not hesitate to take you down, so I ask you one last time, hand over the inter-dimensional transporter, or I will take it little girl, and you won't like how."

I laughed,

"Go ahead and try buddy."


I kicked his ass, he put up a surprisingly good fight, but he still ended up running away with his tail between his legs, and by running away, I mean a helicopter came down and picked him up just as things we're starting to get interesting. After that fun encounter I decided to figure out where I was, because it was really starting to freak me out. I left the abandoned alleyway and crossed the street looking for someplace to go, I found a little newspaper stand and picked one up, I gasped at what I saw. The headline read, "Batman and robin rescue civilians from a hostage crisis and put the Riddler back behind bars."

Batman? Robin? The Riddler? Then I looked at the title of the newspaper, the Gotham times. No way I thought, I was a big comic book nerd, so maybe this was a dream, my imitation of my nerdy paradise, because there was no way I could be in gotham, and that Batman and Robin really existed, outside of comic books, that was crazy! But as I looked around I noticed similarities to this place and the comic book city, the old monorail, the dark feel of the streets and perhaps, the biggest thing of all, the giant skyscraper I had been behind was Wayne Industries. Was it possible that I was in the DC universe? As if to answer my question for me, a woman who I thought to be Poison Ivy started attacking across the street, and Batman himself, followed closely by Robin swooped in to stop her. Watching them fight was crazy and also kind of beautiful, it was like a dance. I crossed the street to get a closer look, at closer inspection I identified the Robin fighting to be at my closest guess, Tim Drake, possibly Jason Todd, but probably not. The Boa staff was a big giveaway. To my surprise I felt a vine wrap around my leg a hoist me into the air, which I found to be incredibly annoying. Letting out a frustrated groan, I tore the vine off my leg and hooped to the ground, I was pissed. At that moment, Tim was throwing batarangs at her, and Batman was trying to punch her, but she kept wrapping vines around his wrists, making his punches ineffective. I took a knife out of my boot and threw if with deadly accuracy and cut the vines holding Batman's wrists while also managing to slice a bit of her face. Batman a highly trained fighter took the opportunity to land a direct blow to her face rendering her unconscious, while she was distracted. He first tied her up and handed her off to the police, then turned to look at me,

"Nice aim."

"Thanks, I've had lots of training." I couldn't believe I was talking to Batman, it was insane, or maybe I was insane...

Tim then said to me,

"Yeah that was pretty impressive, you alright, I saw one of her vines get you, and you look like you've been in a fight or two."

I walked closer to them, "yeah, my first time in this city and I get attacked by a guy in a hockey mask, and then this!"

"Guy in a hockey mask? Do you mean sportsmaster?" Tim asked me.

I had to think about it for a minute, "uh yeah I think so, we fought, he wanted something I have, but I beat him and then he got picked up by a helicopter after I kicked his ass." I explained.

"You beat Sportsmaster?" Tim asked me.

"Yeah, I'm a lot stronger than he is," I told him.

Batman looked me over and said, "really?"

I nodded and said,"I have some special skills."

"Prove it," said Tim.

So I did, I picked him up and tossed him about twenty feet across the park.

Because he was Robin he landed on his feet. Batman looked at me and said,

"How would you like to be part of a team?"

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