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-a few weeks later, end of May, junior prom-

"Josh!" I yelled down the hallway. We were getting ready for prom at his house, and I was in Olivia's room.
"Girl, what could you possibly need?" Olivia asked, turning my chin so I was looking at her again. I had the attention span of a Goldfish cracker, and I could tell that she was getting irritated with me every time I turned while she tried to do my makeup.
"I want to see if he's almost ready so that he can go get me a slushy," I explained.
"Oh, Lord," Olivia groaned. "Hold on."

She left the room and came back with Josh in tow. "What's up, babe?" he asked, leaning against the door frame. He had his button-up and tuxedo pants on. All he needed was his jacket and tie.
"Baby K is really craving a slushy," I joked. "Would you mind going to get me one, please?"
"Ask and you shall receive, my dear," he replied, crossing the room to kiss me on the top of the head. "Do you need anything, Liv?"
"The only thing that I need is for your girlfriend to sit still," she replied, concentrating as she did my eyeliner.
"Got it. Sorry," I said, sitting as still as I possibly could at almost nine months pregnant.

Josh left, and we sat in silence for a little bit while she finished up my makeup.
"Oh, goodness," I groaned. Kaitlyn was kicking, and she was relentless.
"What's up? Is everything okay?" Olivia asked.
I nodded. "Do you want to feel your niece kick?"

I took her hand, placing it near my ribs. That was by far Kaitlyn's favorite spot to kick, and she responded every time Josh held his hand there.
Like I assumed she would, Kaitlyn started kicking as soon as Olivia's hand was in position. She looked up at me in shock. "Hey, baby," she whispered, kneeling in front of me. "It's Auntie Liv. I'm so excited to meet you."

Josh came back into the room, a look of confusion crossing his face when he saw how we were sitting. "Everything okay in here?"
"She was kicking, so I let Liv feel. No biggie," I explained, reaching my hands out for my slushy and taking a sip. "Mmm. Arnold Palmer. My favorite."
"Let's hope that's just a pregnancy craving," he noted, plopping down on Olivia's bed. "The clerk told me that once they're out of the mix, it's not coming back."
I pouted. "Not fair."
"I know, babe," he laughed. "I'm gonna let you finish getting ready. We're meeting Jaden and Nessa for pictures in an hour."

Olivia put the finishing touches on my hair, spritzing it with hairspray and who knows what other products.
Olivia extended a hand, helping me out of my chair. "Ready to get this dress on?"
I stepped into the dress, shimmying the straps over my shoulders. I turned around, holding my hair out of the way so that Olivia could zip me in.
I let my hair down, turning around to face her. "My brother is so lucky to have you," she murmured, clutching her hand to her chest as she stared at me. "You look beautiful."

I slipped my heels on, following Olivia down the stairs. His entire family was sitting in the living room with my mom, and they all turned to look.
"You look beautiful, sweetie," Patti complimented me, standing up to hug me.
"That's the little baby that I prayed so hard for?" my mom asked. "You've grown up so much, Haley."
"What's going-" Josh began, stopping mid-sentence as he saw me. "Wow. I just, wow."
"You have such a way with words, Josh," Olivia teased.

We took a few pictures with our families in the house before Josh and I got in his car. Our families followed close behind on our way to meet Jaden and Nessa at the lake.
Jaden and Nessa had opted for a very edgy look, and I was almost jealous that she could pull off the look. Being pregnant had put a damper on a lot of things, but I knew that as soon as I was holding this baby in my arms, none of that would matter.
"Oh, Haley, you look amazing!" Nessa exclaimed, greeting me with a hug.
"You too, girl!" I repeated back.
Jaden and Josh were standing awkwardly, having some sort of small talk while Nessa and I gushed over each other.

Jaden cleared his throat. "Reservations are in an hour, ladies. Can we maybe get these pictures taken?"
We giggled our way through a variety of pictures, and I felt at ease. If this was the family that little Kaitlyn would grow up around, I had hit the jackpot.
Dinner went by smoothly, and no one had to remind anyone of time constraints.

We walked into the prom venue, and the all too familiar stares returned, but this time, I didn't care. I wanted to have the best time with my best friends, and nothing was going to stop me from doing that.
"Vote Addison and Bryce for prom king and queen!" a girl I barely recognized was campaigning by the doors. "Oh, Haley Reynolds! I'll have to see if you get two votes since you're pregnant and all."
Josh and Jaden both opened their mouths, but I held up a hand to stop them. "That's not necessary. I'll take one vote like everyone else."
I cast my votes for Addison and Bryce, but the girl still kept up with her conversation.

Escaping her, we headed to the dance floor. "She really liked to talk, huh?" Josh teased, holding a hand out to me so we could dance.
I nestled myself in his arms before responding. "Doesn't everyone? They like to talk, and they like to stare, and they like to do everything but mind their own business."

We had been dancing for what felt like forever, but suddenly, something felt wrong.
"Josh!" I yelled over the music. "Josh!"
"What's up, babe?" he yelled back, leaning down to hear my answer.
"My water just broke."

BF(F?): A Josh Richards Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now