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-3 months later-

Everything was going really well. Josh and I were finally officially together. Jaden and I had talked about everything, and while there was no chance that we would ever be together as a couple again, we were on good enough terms that I felt like I had a friend again.
Nessa realized that she was in the wrong, and she had decided to put forth a public apology on Twitter to counteract the video that she had posted before.

I got out of bed, the patter of my feet against the laminate floor echoing in the quiet bedroom. I sat down on the toilet. Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I was peeing just about every five minutes, no matter what time of day it was.
When I was finished, I stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself. I turned sideways, looking at the bump that had begun to form. I was only going to be able to hide this with Josh's hoodies for so much longer.

"Good morning, Mom," I greeted her as I entered the kitchen. "I'm starting to show, so it's only a matter before my clothes stop fitting," I laughed as I popped my prenatal vitamin and opened my protein shake.
"We will figure it out, honey, put some leggings on or something, okay? Maybe we can go to the mall after school or something. Josh should be here soon, so go get ready," she replied, rinsing her coffee mug out in the sink.

I went upstairs, taking her suggestion on and pulling on a pair of athletic leggings and a hoodie that Josh has just brought back for me from when he visited some of his extended family in Canada. My phone rang, and I answered it quickly.
"Good morning, Jaden. What's up?"
"I am supposed to invite you and Josh to dinner at my house tonight," he replied absentmindedly.
"Um, I'm in. Let me talk to Josh, okay? I'll keep you updated. Josh is honking at me from outside. I'll talk to you at school."

I went downstairs, passing my mom and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek as I left. "Love you, Mom. Have a good day!"
I didn't wait for her response as I shut the front door behind me. "Good morning, lovely. How did you sleep?" Josh asked as he opened the passenger side car door for me.
"I slept fine," I replied, sliding into the seat. "I am starting to show, though, which makes this all a little bit more difficult."

Josh got into his own seat before he turned to respond to me. "You're five months along, babe. That's to be expected."
"I know," I sighed. "I was just hoping that we could put it off for a little while longer. There's something about just our parents knowing that makes me feel better about the whole thing."
"I know, my love," he said, squeezing my hand before shifting the car into gear.
"We have that appointment after school today. The doctor said that we can find out the gender if we want to."

We pulled into the high school parking lot, and Josh turned to look at me again. "Do you want to find out?"
I shrugged. "I don't know. I think that putting gender on this is going to make it real."
"It's real, either way, babe. I'm cool with whatever you decide, okay?"

We went into the school, running into Nessa and Jaden. "Hey, hey," she greeted us.
"What's the word on tonight?" Jaden asked, waving bye to Nessa as she left for class and Jaden leaned up against the locker next to mine.
What did he know? "Um, I don't know," I replied, avoiding eye contact.
"Did you want to do something tonight?" Josh asked, holding my bag open so I could take things out of it. "We can do something if you'd like."
"You didn't ask him?" Jaden said, looking at me.
"Ask him what?" I asked, confused.
"About dinner? You forgot already?"

"We would love to come to dinner. Does your mom want us to bring anything?" Josh said, getting the attention off of me.
He shook his head. "Nope. She just wants to see you guys. It's been a really long time."
"Okay," I nodded. "I can't speak for Josh, but I miss your parents a lot."

Jaden headed to class, and Josh looked at me. "They told me that pregnancy brain was a thing, but I didn't realize just how bad it was gonna be," he laughed.
"Be quiet," I giggled, hitting him playfully. "This is going to sound crazy, but do you think that we should tell Jaden? I mean, yeah, he cheated on me with your girlfriend, so we don't really owe him anything, but at the end of the day, he's still one of our best friends, right?"
Josh nodded. "This is true, but maybe we should wait until we're just about ready to tell everyone. If we tell him too soon, that increases our risk of getting it leaked."

I nodded in agreement as Josh kissed my cheek. "Have a great time in class. I will see you at lunch."
I walked down the hall to my English class and thought about everything that had happened in the last six months. It was almost Valentine's Day. Junior year was almost over. This certainly hadn't been on the vision board, but I was happy with how my life was turning out, even if the journey had been less than pleasant.
Classes rushed by, and I wasn't even thinking about any of them anymore. So many things rushed through my head, and while I was terrified to let other people into the surprise that we had, I was excited to see where this baby was going to lead us.

"Earth to Haley," Jaden said at the lunch table. "We're talking about a spring break trip. Do you have any input?"
"Oh, I don't know," I replied absentmindedly. "Even if I can go, I'll be pretty limited in what I can do."
"Why?" Nessa asked, confused.
I looked at Josh for reassurance, and he nodded slightly. "I'm pregnant."

BF(F?): A Josh Richards Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now