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*two months have passed, recap to catch you up*
It's been three months since I saw the text from Nessa on Jaden's phone, since I started online schooling.
It's been two months since Josh caught Nessa with Jaden at that party, since he and I were recorded kissing at the mall, since we slept together, since I told him that I couldn't wait for him, since I spoke to him at all.
It's been one month and three weeks since Jaden and Nessa broke it off.
It's been one month and two weeks since Nessa came clean about cheating on Josh and cleared my name.
It's been one month and one week since Josh and Nessa decided to give it another shot.
It's been one month since Jaden apologized for calling me a skank, since he asked if we could get back together, since he told me that his mom still asks about me.
It's been three weeks since I broke down crying in my driveway.
It's been two weeks since I decided to go back to school.
It's been one week since I was given my new class schedule, since I walked into that school again.

I don't have any friends this time around. Sure, Bryce felt bad for me, so he would hang around sometimes, but it was usually to ask to hook up.
I was sitting in my first period English class, and I felt my stomach start to turn. "Breathe," I whispered to myself. I had already missed enough in person school.
I gagged, and I knew it was time to head to the bathroom. It was only a matter of time.

When I was done throwing up, I headed to the nurse's office. "Hey, Nurse Rachel. I've been feeling kind of nauseous since I woke up, and I just threw up in the bathroom."
"Oh, honey, why don't you lie down?"

I laid down on the cot, staring at the ceiling. I felt myself growing nauseous again.
I heard the nurse's chair roll towards the cot, and I looked up at her. "Honey, I'm gonna take your temperature, and then, I'll send you down to the school clinic, and they'll just ask you a few questions so we can try to figure out what's wrong with you. How does that sound?"
"That sounds good," I replied, sitting up and fighting the urge to gag.
"If you're still feeling like you might get sick, you can lay back down. It's alright, sweetie," she assured me. I leaned back against the wall, wanting to make eye contact with her while she spoke.

The clinic doctor had a kind demeanor, and I felt myself relaxing a little bit. "Okay, love, I've got your file right here. When was the date of your last menstrual period?"
Oh, shit. "God, um, I was under a lot of stress last month, so I didn't have one, so two months ago."
She nodded. "Alright. Are you pregnant, or is there a possibility that you could be pregnant?"
"Um," I stammered. "I suppose that there could be. I'm almost positive that we used protection though."
"Unfortunately, no form of protection is one hundred percent effective," she added, taking notes in my file. "How have you been sleeping?"
"Pretty well," I replied. "I get probably close to ten to twelve hours of sleep each night."
"Are you tired often? Is this a newfound fatigue?"
I nodded. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired right now, actually."

"Okay, Haley, just a few more questions for you, okay?" I nodded again. "Have you had anything out of the ordinary going on lately? Any constipation, cramping, anything like that?"
"I am cramping like all the time," I confirmed. "A heating pad just isn't cutting it right now."
She set her clipboard down, sighing. "Alright, sweetheart. There could probably be a couple of different things that might be wrong with you, but there are a few ways that I can rule out a couple. Your mom signed a consent form for treatment when you began school here, so I don't have to call to ask permission, but I will have to let her know whatever happens, okay?"
"I'm sorry?" I asked, confused. "Have to let her know what?"
"Is it safe for me to let your mom know the results of a pregnancy test?"

Jesus Christ. "She won't murder me if that's what you're asking. Why do I need to take a pregnancy test?"
"You have a lot of pregnancy symptoms, and that combined with your answer that you could possibly be pregnant gives us a starting point to figuring out what's going on."

She handed me the cup, sending me to the en suite bathroom. I'm not super religious, but I put prayers into overdrive. If I was pregnant, there was only one person that the dad could be, and we don't talk anymore. That would hardly go well for me.
I shakily got my sample in the cup, and I could feel my palms sweating. I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life. 
"Here you go," I practically whispered, handing the cup back to her. 

"It will take about two minutes. Is there anyone that you would like to have with you here before we get this started?" 
Josh? Jaden? Nessa? Bryce? My mom? I shook my head. "No, I think that I'll call someone if this is positive. I don't want anyone to worry if there's nothing to worry about, you know?"

We waited in silence, and she looked over at me. "Sweetheart, the test is positive."
"I'm- I, uh, oh, wow," I stammered. "That's terrifying." 
"You have options," she said, grabbing some pamphlets out of her desk drawer. "Would you like to make that phone call now?" 

I nodded. "Yes, please," I responded, pulling my phone out. I dialed Josh's number quicker than I ever have. He was in study hall, so I figured that he would answer. "Um, hey," he answered. "What's up?" 
"Um, so I came back to school, right, and I'm in the clinic. Can you come down here? I really need you."

BF(F?): A Josh Richards Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now