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When we pulled into the parking lot, Josh barely waited for the car to be in park before he was jumping out.
"Wow," I said, rolling my eyes. We might have made a dumb decision by skipping class, but he couldn't blame the entire thing on me.
"What the hell is his problem?" Nessa asked.
I shrugged. "I'm not sure, but I'm over it. Good luck with that."
It was Nessa's turn to roll her eyes as she tried to catch up to Josh. "Alright, spill," Jaden said, turning the key in the ignition before turning his body to face me in the driver's seat.
"Spill what?" I asked, playing dumb.
"First, I really want to know what Nessa said to you at iHop."
I sighed. "My friendship with Josh makes her insecure and uncomfortable."

Jaden was silent, and it was difficult to read his facial expressions. "What?" I finally asked, breaking the silence.
"It, uh, makes me a little insecure and uncomfortable, too, Haley," he said, his voice trailing off as he avoided eye contact with me.
"If I wanted to be with Josh, don't you think that I would be? He's my best friend. That's it," I assured him, taking his hand in mine. "He's practically my brother, Jaden."
"I know, but he's so influential in your life. If he tried hard enough, he could convince you to leave me. That terrifies me. I don't want to lose you just because I pissed off your best friend or brother or whatever you want to call him," he explained.
"I am my own person. Josh does not make my decisions for me. He's not my dad; I haven't seen that man in years," I chuckled softly, trying to lighten the situation. "If I want to be with you, I will be. Luckily for the both of us, we want to be with each other."

"We should probably go in there," Jaden finally said after a long silence, nodding towards the back doors of the school.
I shrugged. "Maybe, but we've already missed half of the day. We might as well just leave."
Jaden shook his head, laughing at me as he turned the key in the ignition again. "You're a bad influence."
"I think you're the bad influence," I teased, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

We rode in a comfortable silence until Jaden pulled into his driveway. "Welcome to la casa de Hossler," he announced, pulling into the garage and turning the car off.
"Um, your house is like really nice," I observed, looking around in awe.
"Oh, stop," he laughed. "What do you want to do?"
"It's up to you," I replied. "Um, why were you the cutest little kid?" I asked, picking a photo frame up off of a side table.
He shrugged. "Most little kids are cute, aren't they?"
I laughed. "Not to be an awful person, but I've seen some pretty unattractive little kids."

We went up to his room, and I quickly became my nosy self, picking things up as I walked around the room. "Did you write this?" I asked, picking up a notebook from his desk.
"Oh, don't read that," he objected, getting up from the bed and trying to take it from my hand.
"Answer the question, Jaden," I teased, holding it just out of his reach.
"Fine. I did," he answered.
"It's really good, babe," I assured him. "Have you ever thought about making a career out of songwriting?"
He shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know."

I sat down on his bed, pulling him down next to me. "I knew that you were amazing, but I didn't realize just how amazing you are."
Without a word, Jaden put a hand on my cheek, pulling me closer to him until my lips were an inch or so away from his. "I love you," he whispered before pushing his lips against mine.
Kissing him was something that I could definitely get used to. It was almost as if our bodies melted together, and we moved in sync as though we had become one person.
I swung my legs over his, pulling myself into his lap but never breaking the kiss. His hands moved from my face to my waist, tickling down my collarbone as he made his way down.

Breathing heavily, I pulled away for a moment. "I, uh, wow," I sighed. "What, um, time do your parents get home? I would hate to meet them like this."
"It'll be awhile," he chuckled, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear.
"Good," I whispered, tracing his collarbone as I moved up to his jaw, "because I really, really like kissing you."
That was apparently all of the motivation that Jaden needed as he flipped me over, hovering above me as he kissed me. "Just tell me when you want me to stop, he whispered, his lips brushing against my ear.

He left a trail of kisses down my jawline, straying from his path to kiss my lips gently. He sat me up, pulling his hoodie over my head. "You know, you look good in my clothes, but you look even better out of them," he teased, going back to kiss my neck.
He kissed slowly down my body, caressing every inch of it softly.
His fingers nimbly slipped into the waistband of my leggings. As he slid them down my legs, we heard the one thing that would scare us into stopping.
"Jaden? Honey? You're home early! Is everything okay?" his mom yelled up the stairs.
"Um, I'll be down in a second to talk!" Jaden yelled back nervously. "She's not supposed to be home!"
We scrambled to get redressed, and I looked in his mirror. "Shit!" I exclaimed, spotting a rather large hickey on my neck. "I'm about to meet your mom with a fresh hickey. Fantastic."
"Maybe she won't notice?"
"Is she blind?" I asked sarcastically. "She's gonna notice."
"We can only hope for the best," he said, pulling me out of the room and down the stairs behind him.

BF(F?): A Josh Richards Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now