Chapter 12

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=BittyTale #8=

Red sat at a table near the stage with Geno watching his brother try to get close to Ccino who had a cat draped across his shoulders. Without looking like he really wanted to pet the fluffy beast. "So how is this shindig supposed to go?"

Geno grins "well open buffet until the food runs out. Knowing Horror there is enough for two armies and then someone. Fresh got an amazing band that will let us get up and sing if we want and every few songs they will take a break and let a few rounds of Dance Dance Revolution or a Dance off happen. The bar is open but we have to buy our own. There is also a punch bowl, which someone will spike about halfway through the night."

"You sound way too happy about all of that. Are you okay?" Red frowns turning his full attention to Geno.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be okay with my almost brother-in-law leaving on a dangerous possibly one way journey taking one of my best friends with him?" Geno glares at the clear bottle of alcohol in front of him.

Classic drops into the seat next to Red, bottle of ketchup in hand. "Kind of think that is the definition of not okay buddy."

Before anymore can be said the lights go down and the spotlights on the stage flick on as fog billows out and three small figures appear in the mist.

"Red you are going to get a kick out of the lead singer. His name is Slash, he is an Edgy type, lead guitar is a Boss type named Spike, Dagger on keyboard is a Dust type, and Ki on drums is a Black Mamba!" Geno grins, opening his bottle of sake and pouring into a tiny cup.

Classic blinks, "wait you are saying they actually scored The Bitty Bastards for this party? Aren't they supposed to be having a live concert on the other side of the country? Papyrus was disappointed he couldn't get tickets."

Red looks back and forth between them looking confused. "What are you guys talking about?"

"The band for tonight is famous in this AU and that fame is slowly spreading to other AU. They all came through Last Chance Bitty Rescue. Nightmare set it up years ago. It really is the end of the line Bitty rescue for this AU they take the Bitties everyone else has given us on. The ones that would be euthanized otherwise." Geno sips his sake.

Classic nods, "with my AU post pacifist run and the rest button broken well Papyrus will be off to college next fall and having an empty nest has always proved bad for me so I have been looking into adopting a Bitty. That is how I found out about them. I brought home a CD and Papyrus got hooked on their music too, he would rather go to one of their concerts than a dozen MTT concerts."

"Bitties are the tiny pet versions of monsters or humans right?" Red frowns the structure on the raised stage making more sense now.

The mist slowly clears to reveal a miniature version of Red and his brother dressed in leather with a tiny Dust and a lamia version of Blackberry all with matching leather jackets. The old scares were clear under the stage lights but they stood with unbroken pride as they launched into the first song.

By half way through the first song the room had gone quiet and every eyelight was on the stage. With a visceral growl of a voice that completely outsized his tiny frame Slash set souls fluttering and actually had a few in tears.

Geno nearly laughs at the look on Red's face as the song ends. Cross hops on the stage and the band transitions to backing him up on Angel With A Shotgun. "Told you, you would like them."

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