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My alarm rang in 8:30am to get up for today. Sun shined,bird sang everything was perfect. I washed myself,and wear dress that Miwa-san and papa sent me.*picture above*. It was beautiful dress and it fit me perfectly . Someone knocked on door.
Me:Come in,it's open.

Louis walked in.

Me:Oh Louis-san that's you.

Louis:Angy-chan can i do your hair?

Me:ok. Did you finished Ema's hair?


He slowly done my hair and  it was perfect.

Me:Thank you Louis-san.

Louis:No thank you for leting me to do your pretty hair  Angy-san.

He left. I looked in mirror,my hair my dress my make-up. Everything was perfect. Ema walked in my room,and looked shoked . She hugged me tight.

Ema:You look beautiful sis. Like princess from fairy tale.

Me:Thank you Ema. You also look beautiful. Let's go.

She nod. We went down and saw all brothers staring at us. Azusa broke the silence .

Azusa:Are we ready now?

Me:Yes we are. We can go now. Sorry for making you wait.

Wataru:Onee-chan's look like princess.

Me:Thank you Wataru.

Masaomi:Then lets go.

We left house and went to the cars. Ride was very long it took 2 hours. When we got there Iori offered me his hand and i glady took it.

Tsubaki:It's not fair i wanted to hold Angela's hand.

Me:Sorry but you are late. Iori offered me his hand and i took it.

We went inside when Ema pulled me toward some doors. There were standing Miwa-san and papa. Miwa-san looked beautiful.

Me:Mama you look beautiful.

I hugged her and she returned hug.

Miwa: Look Rintaro,Angy called me mama. I'm soo happy.

Papa:So am i.

Ema:Mama you look great

Miwa:Thank you Ema. You and Angela look gorgeous. I have two beautiful daughters.

Me: Papa we will go now and leave you two alone.

Papa and Miwa:Bye.


We went to chapel it was beautiful.

I sat on piano chair and looked where notes for My family song. Notes were gone. I start panicking. Ema looked worried .

Ema:Whats wrong sis?

Me:My notes are gone. I forgot them in house.

Ema:Notes for song that you made for Miwa-san and papa?

Me:Yes. I hope i remember all scores.

Ema:Dont worry everything will be fine.

???:Im sorry but what are you doing here? This place is just for family members .

We turned and saw man with orange  and beauty mark. He looked like gentleman. Than we heard Wataru.

Wataru:Now all brothers are here.

Me:So this man is our brother.

Azusa:Yes,we are triples. Me,Tsubaki and Natsume.

*So his name is Natsume* i thought. I walked to him and smiled .

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