Chapter XI

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~ Searching for the lost ~

Third person pov:

~ The 4 of them split up into their assigned groups and started searching for the person/people they were assigned to find. ~

Jack and Robby walked through the halls of level fun searching for Elipsy, it had been 10 minutes and yet they till haven't found her. the two sighed as they kept walking around level fun, and that's when they came upon Brian and Dolii who were peacefully sleeping while a wretch was slowly creeping up to them. "It look like we found the people the others were assigned to find-" Robby whispered as he took his pistol out and shot the wretch in the head. It died and the loud bang echoed through the room waking Brian and Dolii. "H-HUH!?" Brian yelled. "You guys ok?" Jack asked Brian nodded and Dolii yawned. "Where's the other?" Brian asked. "The others were searching for you two and we were supposed to search for Elipsy, but we fund you instead, it doesnt matter though as long as we find all of you and gather up again we can-" "WAIT ELIPSY IS MISSING TOO!?" Brian yelled, Dolii stared at Brian a small grin forming on her mouth. "Mister Brian she's an independent woman she can handle these kind of situations!" Dolii said. "BUT BUT WHAT IF A PARTYGOER EATS HER, WHAT IF A SMILER KILLS HER, WHAT IF SHE ACCIDENTALLY NO-CLIP TO ANOTHER LEVEL, WHAT IF SHE GETS SICK, WHAT IF SHE TRIPS AND LOSES ALL HER BEAUTY, WAAA THATS THE WORST THAT CAN HAPPEN!"  Jack stared at Brian quietly, Robby rubbed the back of his awkwardly and Dolii smirked and spoke up  "Oooh Mister Brian has a crush on Eli!" "NO." "There's no time to argue. If you really wanna see Elipsy again than we better get going." Brian nodded and followed Jack and Robby as they left the room Brian and Dolii were currently sleeping in. 

They started to look for Elipsy.

With Alex and Bean

"Where should we check?" Bean asked, Alex shrugged his shoulders, "let's go over..." Alex stopped talking when he saw the Partygoers swarming poor Elipsy. "Tell us where they are we won't hurt them, promise~" one of the partygoers cooed. "No, I'm not telling you!" Alex and bean watched the scene before loading their pistols and aiming it at the partygoers, Alex and bean shot at two and died the 4 others saw this and went to attack. Bean managed to kill 2 more while Alex killed 1 more. The last one simply dashed across the room and grabbed Elipsy and fled. "COME BACK HERE YOU COWARD." Alex yelled. The angered partygoer looked behind him and tried to attack but Elipsy stabbed its 'face' with her pocket knife. The partygoer let out a frustrated yell and let go of Elipsy. "ELI COME ON LETS GO." Alex said while reaching out to her. Elipsy grabbed his hand and ran down the halls, luckily the Partygoer was slower so they were able to outrun it while Elipsy and the others were running Brian, Dolii, Robby, and Jack were sitting down at a table resting from walking around everywhere to find the others.  "Hey Robby?" Brian said trying to start a conversation, "Yes?" he replied, "Are you perhaps human?" Brian asked, "Sorry if I offended you or some-" "No do not worry you didn't offend me in any way, but no. I am not human." (No one actually knows if the Partypoopers were humans because they never showed their identity to anyone before) - Robby replied.  "Oh Mk, just curious.." Robby put his head to the table and tried to sleep but heavy running footsteps were charging towards them. "What is that??" Jack asked. Dolii hid in Brians arms scared.Jack had his pistol out and so did Robby. They were ready to shoot before they saw...

Sorry for the short chapter I have a test today and I wouldn't  have enough time to study if I made this longer, so plz forgive meh

- Jhemzie

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