Chapter IV

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~ The journey that awaits them ~

~ "Hey Elipsy whats inside this roo-" before I could finish I saw her nude body well like- not completely naked she was still wearing a Bra and she still had her shorts on "OH MY JESUS OF-" I saw her turn to me and she became angered throwing clothes at me and yelling "EW YOU PERVERT WHAT THE FUCK!" The whole night was filled with Elipsy smacking me with either a pillow or her bear hand, and I just accepted my fate it was my fault for walking in on a woman changing how was I so dumb to not realize that it was a washroom or change room!??? ~

Brian pov:

In the morning I was so embarrassed to even talk to Elipsy because of the 'incident' last night, literally I've been avoiding Elipsy because I'm afraid she will strangle me.

Dolii was just staring at us unknowing of the incident. "What's wrong?" Dolii asked. I looked at her and looked away, still embarrassed. "Brain walked in on me changing." Elipsy scoffed "OH... UHm okAI!" Dolii responded, she kind of sounded like she regretted asking.

"Hey, Brain!" Elipsy yelled, "Watchu need Eli?" "E-eli- DON'T CALL ME ELI ONLY DOLII CAN CALL ME THAT PERIDOT." "Okay geez, Epilepsy..." Elipsy shot daggers at me... well not real daggers.

"Just kidding eheh..." I retreated, this girl really is terrifying. "Ok so what do you need?" I asked her. "Grab a backpack or some sort of bag you can use for travelling... we're going to level 94." She said.

Third person pov:

Elipsy left the room to go pack her stuff leaving Brian clueless on why they needed to go to "Level 94" he just shrugged it off and started to look for a bag.

A few minutes passed by and Brian managed to find a black backpack with outside pockets which could be used to hold a bottle of almond water. Brian came to the kitchen to pack the leftover steak and put it in his backpack. He also decided to grab a flashlight and some extra batteries just in case. "Wait, I can use my phone to record this adventure!" He said out loud. Brian grabbed his phone and checked the percentage. "56%... shoot I'll need a charger soon." Brian started digging through the house and cabinets in search for a apple charger... luckily ELipsy had one. Brian cheered inside as he placed the charger in his pocket along with his phone. "I should bring a weapon... just in case." He quietly walked to the kitchen to grab a small knife and stuffed it in his other pocket. Brian also decided to steal some fruits to eat later.

"Hey Brain! Dolii, meet up in the living room when you guys are done packing up!" Brian understood Elipsy's call and went to the living room, he sat down on the couch to wait for Dolii and Elipsy.

Elipsy was currently packing almond water, a pistol, 2 sleeping bags, a pocket knife, a flashlight with extra batteries, hair tie, and some nice granola bars. Meanwhile Dolii brang a small backpack with almond water, almond water, almond water, and her teddy bear.

The other 2 finally went to the living room where they were met with a snoring Brian. "Wake up BRAiN" Elipsy snapped her fingers at the snoring boy, but he still didn't wake up. "Sheesh, Mister Brian sure is a deep sleeper!" Dolii giggled. "Mhm..." Elipsy grabbed a nearby apple on the counter and shoved it into Brians mouth causing him to choke on it ad wake up, "THE hell was that for!" Brian coughed. "Oh nothing, just waking up a sleeping pig." Elipsy rolled her eyes and spoke up again. "Let's go." "Mk".

The 3 of them wandered through the level until Elipsy no-clipped into a wall. Brian scratched his head in confusion as he watched Dolii no-clip herself too. Brian sighed and ran towards the wall hoping to get no-clipped.

He did no-clip but he was running so as he got no-clipped he hit the wall of the next level and cried in pain. "PFFFT, HAHAHHAHAHAH" Elipsy was currently dying of laughter as she just witnessed 'Brain' ram into a wall. "You really are an idiot." She giggled. "Okay, let's keep going." Elipsy said not even bothering to help Brian up. "C'mon Miser Brian! Let's go" Dolii held her hand out for Brian and he reached for it. He stood up and started wobbling around bumping his shoulders against the walls every now and then.

"What level is this?" The wobbling Brian asked. "Level F̴̡̛̓̀͠u̶̦͕͖͉̤͔͖͌͋͛̃̒̽̾̃̕͝n̴̺̩̓̓̎̚͠."

Elipsy's voice seemed to have glitched when she said the level name or... number. "Pardon?" HE asked. "Are you deaf!? Ugh whatever." Elipsy walked faster leaving Brian and Dolii behind a bit. "She was saying Level fun!" Dolii said. "Ah thanks Dolii." Brian smiled.

The 3 have been walking for about 15 minutes and they have stumbled upon a room that had chairs and on the wall it. "Happy birthday." "OOH CUPCAKE!" Brian said as he picked up the precious dessert, but before he could get the satisfaction of tasting the delicious treat it was smacked out of his hands by ELipsy. "WTH, WHY!????" Brian pouted. "Stop it your acting like a baby." Elipsy smirked. "You slapped my cupcake. Onto the floor you witch!" Brian stomped his foot and pointed a finger at ELipsy. "Aww you're sad you didnt get to eat the 'human cupcake'." Elipsy put her hands into fists and made a mocking cry face. "H-human cupcake...?" Brian stuttered. "You heard me Brain. There are entities, known as the 'Partygoers.' They are pretty hostile so watch out." Elipsy smirked. "You've gotta be kidding me, it's not true!" Brian complained. "Oh so you think I'm lying. You've been face to face with a smiler. Now you don't believe that Partygoers are real??" "Good point." Brian added. Elipsy sighed and slapped her face in disappointment. "Let's just keep going."

The 3 wandered through "Level Fun" for a while, but then decided to take a rest somewhere and eat. "I packed the steak."

Brian held his hips with a confident smile. "Mk and?" Elipsy said. Brian just awkwardly smiled and took the steak out and offered Elipsy some, she grabbed some and ate 1 piece 8 pieces were left, Dolii reached out for the steak and grabbed 3 pieces and gave the other one to Elipsy."Don't be shy Eli!" "I wasn't shy, I just assumed Brian was a glutton." "HEY!" Brian huffed and ate the remaining 5 pieces. "YUM." Brian ate like a starving pig and Elipsy watched in disgust. Dolii was too busy gulping down almond water...

1 hour later

"OOH, Balloon!" Dolii yelled. Brian looked at the direction of the balloon and Elipsy was peacefully sleeping. "Why is there a balloon?" Brian questioned "Dunno." Dolii answered. Brian came closer to the balloon out of curiosity he held the balloon in his hand and smiled, "My favorite colour is red, just like this balloon!" Brian exclaimed. All of a sudden a creature... appeared out of nowhere carrying the same red balloon hovered over him. It was really tall, it had a face that appeared to be to stick eyes and a large mouth. Its face was red and the skin of it looked like leather and smooth. It was also the colour of dirty-ish yellow. The monster reached out for Brian and that's when he noticed the monster had mouths on its hands. "AHHH WHAT THE FUCK!" Brisn Sprinted away from the creature leaving Dolii and ELipsy behind. Instead of coming for the two girls the "monster" went after Brian, Brian had been running for 4 minutes straight. He was glad to have been born with a lot of stamina. But he soon stops because he was met with a dead end... Brian yelled out a frustrated scream as the monster reached him. "FUCK OFF." Brian yelled. The monster looked displeased and came closer to Brian... inch by inch... The monster reached it's hands to grab Brian's face but suddenly...

Im so sorry for updating late, I had a test for school and I needed to study,  also Thank you all so much for 55 reads, I didn't expect to get this far, ily all so much! 

- Jhemzie

Next update tomorrow or may 4 <3

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