Chapter V

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~ The last of them ~

~ The monster looked displeased and came closer to Brian... inch by inch... The monster reached it's hands to grab Brian's face but suddenly...~

Partypooper pov:

I was carefully walking around level 52. I may have developed PTSD from the "fun war" because ever since the war happened I've been always aware of my surroundings and any sudden noise would freak me out causing me to roll up into a ball. It's not very mature of me to roll up into a ball but I was scared.

As I walked around the level I accidentally no-clipped. No-clipped into... level... fun...

My eyes widened as I knew this would be the end of me. If the Partygoers find me I'm dead.

I walked through the level carefully afraid that if I made a lot of noise a Partygoer would hear and come for me.

But suddenly as I turned a corner I saw a Partygoer. It was cornering a human. I wasn't familiar with the human, he must be new in the Backrooms. I'm impressed he even made it this far. I decided to help him so I took my pistol and aimed it on the Partgoers head.


Third person pov:

Brian was crying for dear life. The partygoers hand was about to make contact with his skin before Brian heard a gunshot. He watched as the Partygoer fell limp onto the ground he was shocked. He turned to where the gunshot was heard and he saw... a Partypooper. It looked like a male who was wearing a black hoodie, a pair of jeans black shoes and a blue mask with a frown face on it. "Are you, okay?!?" I asked. "Erm... yes t-thank y-you I would've died if you DIDN'T SAvE ME!!!" Brian sprinted towards the Partypooper hugging his lower body and crying, all the Partypooper could do was smile and pat Brian's head. "You're safe, it's good." The Partypooper said, trying to comfort the crying 'pig'.

"Hey wanna go to my base?" The Partypooper asked. "S-sure but first can I bring my friends too?" "Of Course you can, anyone is welcome there... except for Partygoers and other hostile entities." "Mk."

Brain and the Partypooper made their way to Elipsy and Dolii.

with Elipsy and Dolii -

Elipsys pov:

I wake up from My sleep to see Dolii crying. I was shocked since Dolii doesn't always cry. "What's wrong?" I asked if I looked at Dolii and she looked at me "mister Brian he... he got chased by a partygoer!" She said,I was surprised I never knew that he would stumble across one. But at the same time I wasn't shocked. Brian is an idiot so I expected him to get chased first. "He will be okay, trust me." I reassured Dolii. After reassuring her we heard footsteps coming closer and closer. I pulled my pistol out of my backpack and aimed it at the direction of the noise. I waited patiently and there came out

Brian and a Partypooper.

"Brain who is-" "ELI?" The Partypooper interrupted me. I teared up and ran towards the Partypooper, hugging him tightly "Alexa!" I exclaimed. I heard him sigh and I giggled. "YOU KNOW EACH OTHER!?" Brian spoke out loud."Yes Brain yes."

"Oh... right sorry I didn't introduce myself... My name is 'Alex' not Alexa." The Partypooper smiled. "Nice to meet you Alex, im b-" "Brain, Brain is his name =)" Elipsy interrupted Brian. "Ah ok, I like your name!" Alex smiled! "What no, it's Brian , don't listen to the witch!" Dolii sighed and hugged Alex's legs since that was all she could reach. "DOlii, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Dolii smiled and kept hugging Alex's legs. "Call me a witch again and I'll feed you to a Partgoer!" She yelled Brian's eyes widened and he smiled nervously. "Where are you guys heading?" Alex asked. Epilepsy explained that they were going to level 94,Alex nodded his head and asked if he could take them to his base first for a safer place to rest in. Elipsy agreed and the 4 of them started making their way to the 'Boredom room.'

They reached the boredom room and the first thing Brian noticed was that there were other Partygoers in there but only 3 of them... "the remaining 4 of us are glad to have survived the 'Fun War' and even if the wanderers we helped and took care of betrayed us we still didn't lose hope on Eli and some other loyal wanderers!" Alex smiled. "Can you guys introduce yourselves?" Alex asked the other Partypoopers.

"I'm Bean, I can't remember my real name but a wanderer decided to name me Bean so..." Bean stood still and smiled under his mask. "Im Robby, and yes that's my real name." "And I'm Jack, I know my name is kind of basic." Jack looked down at his feet.

"I'm Dolii!" Dolii happily cheered. "What entity are you?" Bean asked in a polite way. "OOH I'm a Dollface!" "That's so cool!" Bean replied. Bean and Dolii are probably gonna become best friends.

"Im Brian, nice to meet you all!" Brian smiled.

"I'm Elipsy." That was all Elipsy said before sitting down and sipping some almond water. "Ah yes one of our loyal wanderers!" Jack cheered. "I'm glad you're safe." Robby added.Alex sat down beside Elipsy and asked her a few questions.

2 hours later.

Elipsy was sleeping, laying her head on Brian's shoulder. Alex was also sleeping but he overslept and slept beside Jack and Robby. Dolii and Bean were in a little corner. Bean had his arms wrapped around the child as if he was protecting her. (What a good brother, they aren't biologically siblings but they are acting like it now) then suddenly a loud bang woke all of them up. "What the-" Brian's. Mouth was covered by Elipsys hand. "Shhh..." She said. ELipsy stood up and grabbed her pistol and made her way to the door. She peaked through the door crack only to see 5 Partygoers standing there waiting for the door to open. "Shit..." ELipsy whispered under her breath. She walked towards Alex and the other 2 partypoopers. "The partygoers... found us."

(Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to post chapter 6 tomorrow or at may 7!)


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