Chapter II

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 ~ A fellow wanderer ~

Third person pov:

~ The sound of the moist carpet echoes throughout the building causing the thing that caught Brian's attention to reveal itself... ~

The 'thing' stared at Brian for a second before running towards him, screaming in an inhuman language. Brian stood up petrified and started running, just then did he notice the writing on the wall. "Don't run, Stay still." Obviously as a human Brian's first instinct is to run when something is chasing after him.

Adrenaline rushed through Brian's veins as he sprinted away from the creature, he was curious to what it looked like since he didn't get a clear view of it so Brian decided to look behind him. Let's just say that it was not a good view...

The creature, or monster that was chasing him looked like... wires. Brian almost vomited, but he kept it in and kept running. After some time Brian entered a room with hallways with entrances. He was still running... but his legs were so sore he nearly stopped running. But Brian would rather have sore legs than die in the hands of an unknown creature. After 4 minutes of running for his life he came upon a hole in the ground. He looked behind him for a second to see the monster progressingly catching up. Brian didn't hesitate and he jumped into the hole.

Brian fell face first into the floor... it did hurt but he had to suck up the pain. The only thing on his mind right now is survival... he walked through the place for a while before he started to get chased by another entity. Brian started to dart through the hall and so only he reached a door with the sign "Exit" he went though it hoping it led to the outside world but instead it led him back to Level 0.

"What the HELL." He said out loud frustrated and tired  yell.

Brian closed the door behind him and wandered through the place. He sat down on the carpet flooring and teared up. "I can't take this anymore... I just wanna go home..." Brian sniffed.

As he was sobbing quietly the loud screech of the monster chasing him before caught his attention. Brian knew it was time to run.

Brian ran away from the monster while tearing up at the same time. He found a small hiding place. So he went inside, waited for the monster to leave so he could start exploring for the exit again. After 1 minute he thought it would be safe to go but then he saw the dark silhouette of the monster and there it was, slowly walking past the boy's hiding spot. Brian absolutely petrified, walked deeper into his hiding spot. He found a... slide? He hesitated for a moment then the monster came up behind him but luckily Brian already slid down the slide.

He closed his eyes as he slid down the side. And in the blink of an eye he was falling through the sky about to land in a tree. Brian closed his eyes waiting for the impact but instead he got stuck in the tree. "AUGHhhhH." He yelled.

"Wait... I still have my phone right? I can call Dylan for help!" Brian sighed in relief. He picked up his phone and called Dylan on Snapchat. "Hello?" He asked. But there was no wifi. Brian also didn't have data which was another red flag. Brian held his head and Screamed in anger. "HOW WILL I GET OUT OF THIS TREE." His frustrated voice echoed through the Level

He kicked and tugged on the branches in an attempt to get out. And finally he did.

Brian fell. Out of the tree and landed on the ground with a loud thump. "Fucckk." He said in pain.

"What an Idiot." A female voice hummed. Brian's eyes darted towards the feminine voice only to be faced to face with;

A girl somewhere around the age of 18 or 19, with the silkiest and rich black hair tied into a low bun, she appeared with jean shorts, a white zip up sweater and a light blue shirt underneath. The most astonishing feature on her was her eye. It had the hue of purple and pink mixed together. She was also wearing an eyepatch... she could either be a pirate or her eye was injured. "What are you looking at?" She scoffed. Brian shook his head to get himself out of the clouds. "H-huh?" He said. "Whatever, anyways what are you doing here?" She asked. "Uhm... I fell from the sky?" He replied. "No shit." The girl rolled her eyes and turned away from him "C'mere i'll bring you to my base." "Oh... O-ok..." Brian stuttered.

(Sorry for the short chapter!)

No-Clipped out of Reality (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora