Chapter VI (Part 2) Final

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~ On the run ~ (Part 2, Final part)

"Hey guys?" Brian asked. Alex looked at Brian and asked him what he needed. "Are there any Bases or Outposts here?" "None that I know of." Alex replied. "But we can try making one ourselves, but obviously we're not staying for a long time so it's not gonna be a big base." Jack added. "Here, this is a good place to settle,'' Bean said as he held a sleeping Dolii in his arms. "Good Idea." Alex pointed out. The 6 of them put the sleeping bags on the floor and placed their food in a pile. They did the same thing with the backpacks. They decided to rest for a while before adventuring to another level.

"Hey, have you guys ever wondered what 'Reality' looks like?" Brian asked, he was curious to know what these people thought his world looked like.

"I've been out before." Elipsy added. "Wh-what?" Everyone said in sync as they stared at Elipsy shocked. "What did it look like?" Alex asked. "God... It's been so many years, yet I still remember. The clear blue sky, the green grass and the smell of rain." Elipsy said as she day dreamed of Reality.

"Wait... were you born here in the Backrooms?" Alex asked. "No..." "so you've been out in Reality and never bothered to tell us?" Robby asked, a little mad. "Well maybe it's because when I met you guys I was still new here. And when the fun war ended that's when I managed to no-clip in reality... I-I thought I was finally free, but I was wrong. I got to stay there for only 3 days. Before being no-clipped back to this hell." Elips sighed. "I see..." Brian said as he sighed and hugged Elipsy. She was surprised but she didn't hug back. "You don't really like hugs do you?" Brian asked. "No." ELipsy answered as she went inside her sleeping bag and faced away from the other."Go to sleep, you'll need it." She answered. Brian looked down a little before placing himself in the sleeping bag and slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Wake up, Brain please. Don't leave me!" Brian heard the soft crying voice of Elipsy. He was shocked to hear her crying over him. "Mia gave me the first aid kit!"

Brian's pov:

M-Mia? Who's Mia? Many thoughts we're running through my head. What happened? Where am I, why is Elipsy worried, when is this gonna happen, is this the future, if so how far am I in the future??

"We're losing him!" I heard another female voice say. "I know how to stop the bleeding!" A soft voice spoke up. "Then get your butt over here (???)!" The other female yelled. I finally got to open my eyes only to see 3 people standing there before me.

"H-huh?" I said even thoughI didn't want to say that. "Brian repeat after me. '4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4." They said while shining a flashlight in my eyes. They were probably trying to see if I was conscious. "4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4..." I repeated. "Good he's conscious." That was the last thing I heard them say before seeing a bright light once again and passing out.

I woke up sweat dripping down my face. "H-holy shit." I said, I looked around and saw the others were still sleeping so I decided to look on my phone to see the time. "12 a.m" I whispered to myself. I'm pretty sure we went to rest at 9 p.m. I took the time to stand up grab a flashlight and a pistol to look for a charger plug since my phone was at 26%.

I only found one and I smiled. Though it was near a window. ELipsy told me to not go near the windows but... I was so damn curious. I stepped closer to the window and that's when I noticed there was confetti flying out of the window. I sighed and came closer, kneeling to the ground and plugging my phone in. And that's when I was pulled into the window by a yellow hand...

"Ah~ Caught youuu!" A cheery male voice said.

"GAH LET ME GO!" I said as I tried to kick at the creature. "No can do~" He said as he held me upside down. It then turned to make me face... them... p-partygoers. "SHIT." I said. "Hey! No cursing at parties!" One of them yelled. "Now be a good guest and party with us. Or else we will force you to give up your humanity!" He said while laughing like a maniac. "Holy, you guys are psychos!" I said in an angry tone. "We shall take that as a compliment~" "Now~ tell us where the others are." One of them purred in my ears causing me to freak out from how close they were to me. "STAY BACK." I threatened holding my pistol and pointing it at them. "Shoot, we'd like to see you try." One of the Partygoers said in a cold brutal voice. I shot at them but... all there was heard was a click. There were no more bullets and I didn't pack any in my pockets. I put my arm holding the gun down and looked to the ground terrified. "No no no no no!" I said as I held my head. "Ahahaha~ no more bullets~ such. Sham-" before the Partygoer could say anything else I threw the pistol at his ugly face. "Oh my!" "It wasn't very polite to throw an object at the host!" One of them said, "I don't care you ass holes, god ie and burn in hell!" I said. Just then I noticed. The Partygoers stared at me dead.

"W-wait! P-please, I'm sorry!" I said as I cried in front of the Partygoers. "It's ok, second chances are nice to give." He said. I sighed and backed away slowly. "Where do you think you're going?" One of the Partygoers said. "Away from you guys!" I said as I ran away from them and deeper into level fun.

I was alone now. Dolii, Alex, Jack, Robby, Bean, E-ELipsy... I just noticed how much I liked Elipsy. Sure she was mean but maybe it was because she was annoyed with me. I sighed and kept running for dear life.

With the others.

Third person pov:

Dolii woke up and got out of the sleeping bag where she was snuggled into Bean's arms. She stood up quietly in order not to wake anyone else up and that's when she heard a phone. She came closer to the sound to find Brian's phone ringing. "Mister Brian, your phone is ringing" she said to the sleeping group.... No response and that's when Dolii noticed a piece of fabric the fabrics looked like it was part of Brian's outfit. "Oh no!" She said, She saw the confetti flying out of the window. So she decided to go inside to save Brian's ass.

End of chapter 6 I hope you guys enjoyed it sorry if it was short I was writing this at school!


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