< Force >

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The next week, the five of the agents ( Fade, Jett, Reyna, Sage, Viper ) were deployed to ascent. They were sitting in the aircraft, traveling to their destination.Killjoy, who was in there with them, explained some plans, strategies and possible solutions to them. But after a while, they have realized Viper actually wasn't there.

-"Uh Mr. Brimstone, where is Viper?" Reyna questioned, looking at the relaxed leader who suddenly realizes. -"Oh, shit. Where is she?" The wind girl, and Fade didn't care too much too. They were chatting playfully, but making the vampire slightly angry. A part of it is that she was jealous of them. But also, It's because that they didn't care about Viper.

After a while, they have decided and agreed that Brimstone is going to replace Viper. Jett secretly yelled "Yes!" in her heart, cheering for Viper's non -existence. They both seemed happy but the vampire was heated with anger, like lava pouring out of her head. She tried to calm down a little by taking a deep breath. -"What if Viper's missing?" She asked, leaning towards the leader. -"Calm down, we already assigned people to search for her in the nearest cities , of course. Now relax, and chat with your girlfriend."

The two looked at each other then turned away immediately. Jett had her chin locked, exhaling sharply in the back. Reyna did the same, and then slowly fell asleep in her seat. The wind girl glared towards her carefully, looking at the exhausted and sad duelist. She sighed heavily while she felt guilty. -"Hey Jett, remember the deal with Brimstone.?" Fade asked, looking at her irritated and sorrowful face. -"She is your duo?" Realization strikes her as she heard her. She had completely forget about this agreement. But then, she thought since Reyna don't trust her in any way, then they shouldn't be duos.

-"Nah, she don't want to be. She loves Viper." While saying each word out loud, both the wind girl and the vampires heart were stabbed continuously with tiny spikes, it hurts a lot for them. Even though Reyna was half asleep, she is still conscious, listening to their conversations, just tired. 'She's being serious.' 
So eventually, they both really decide to give up working together. But Killjoy's plan doesn't allow them to do those.

-"But guys, according to last missions analysis, I have a new plan." She suggested, then everyone turned their attention to her. -"Reyna pushes B while Jett follows behind her just incase she got killed, so she can get traded can increase the match win rate for up to 70%. And If there is no one at B, they can flank them from behind too, right?"

Suddenly, they both were zoomed out in their seats, very confused and indecisive. 'Oh we have to work together? But-' Her thoughts were interrupted by the worried Vampire. -"But like why does it have to be Jett?" She sighed heavily, closing her lips tightly, with her eyes kind of watery. Her voice sounded sorrowful.

-"Jett has good mobility, if you got the first frag and other enemies push, you can dismiss and then Jett can fall back easily, unlike the rest of our allies. Get it?" The nerd explained further to earn their understanding. They both looked at each other, one with anger and one with sadness. Their friends look at them with worry and expects a positive answer. The lovers actually feel like their hearts were connected.

-"Okay fine."

-"Sure I guess." - They said together.

Of course, the agents looked at them with disbelief, then cheered for their upcoming victory. -"That's what I like to hear, so anyways, for another 30% maybe Brimstone could..


After hours, they landed in Venice, Italy. Before the mission, they decided to get some pizza, Jett's favourite food to give themselves energy. Of course, they ordered extra for Jett. She smiled in happiness, as she was craving for food. -"Thanks! I will pay!" She munched on her fast food excitedly. The Vampire who was sitting beside her but distancing a bit was a bit angry.

-"Hey! I'm supposed to be the one that's paying!" Luckily, it wasn't anything bad but a sweet, caring sentence. The wind girl blushed while her heart fluttered. She wasn't expecting that at all. The rest of their friends smirked and made "ohhh" sounds which are pretty weird and annoying to the both of them.

After that, Reyna of course payed for the meal. Not everyone's, just Jett and her own. The wind girl slowly approached her back again, and more relaxed than before. After battering and resting, they warmed up near a little field near Ascent. It is a shooting range with no roof. Reyna grabbed a Vandal and shot three bots down with crispy and clean taps.

-"Damn, skilled huh?" It was Jett's turn to tease her. She ignored her and continued to show off her sharp skills. -"Showing off?" She then pull out five of her precious sharp knifes and updraft, then shot five of the bots in the head using only one of her knifes. The Vampire blushed in amazement, seeing her crush knocking down all the mannequins. The wind girl noticed and smiled warmly and her. 


It was time for their mission. After training a bit, they sat down to rest, but shooting noises came from the floating city. They got up swiftly, grabbing their rifles and heading straight to Ascent to defend the bombsites. -"Enemy found on attacker side entrance! " The security guards yelled in their mics, giving calls to the agents. Once they rushed to their own bombsites, Brimstone smoked off the entrances with his bracer and held A site.

Reyna and Jett discussed their original plan made by Killjoy with each other and counted down. -" 3,2,1, push!" The Vampire rushed in front of the wind girl, while she catches up behind her. A Chamber clone walked in their sight and got knocked down immediately. Reyna fell back quickly with her available dismiss. Jett falls back too but before her whole body could be hidden, the other clones pushed her.

-"Bang!" A sheriff shot was heard from B main. Reyna peeked and saw Jett on the ground, with her leg bleeding. Not having the time to inform her team, she just ran towards the enemies and blinded them. Using the time of them being blinded, instead of killing the opponents she carried Jett back to Boathouse. -"Backup! Enemies are pushing B, Chamber is down but Jett's left leg was shot by a sheriff." She said calmly, looking at the exhausted duelist.

-"Does it hurt?" The wind girl rolled her eyes, laying on her lap. -"I just shot in the fucking leg you idiot!" Then buried her face into her soft thighs. The Vampire blushed and ruffled her hair. -"They are pushing, you should defend site. Sage will come help me anyways." She cooed, sitting up.  Zyanya stood up.

-"Okay, just promise you'll be fine." Giving a kiss on the forehead, she rushed out and echoing gun shots were heard.


1166 words

・Addictive Touch 🖤 // A VALORANT Fanfiction // Reyna X Jett //  ・Lesbian ・Yuri・Where stories live. Discover now